Get well, Fidel!
On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, Fidel Castro tripped and fell after giving a speech, injuring his knee and arm. 

On Thursday, October 21, 2004. the government of the United States publicly refused the common courtesy of wishing the Cuban leader a speedy recovery! 

(See State Department transcript provided below.)

In June 2004, when U.S. President Ronald Reagan died, the Cuban government publicly declared: 

"President Ronald Reagan was a tenacious opponent of  the Cuban Revolution, but Cuban revolutionaries possess a sense of ethics and honor that is incompatible with the idea of issuing critical judgements or attacks at what is a moment of profound sorrow for his family. That has been and will always be the conduct of the Cuban people and leadership."  

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Havana, June 10, 2004

If you agree that, regardless of political differences common courtesy would have been to wish Cuba's Fidel a speedy recovery, send him a message:

There is a Cuban saying "lo cortes no quita lo valiente." It means that one can have courtesy and courage at the same time.)



Boucher’s Sour Mouthings

October 23, 2004
Granma Daily and Juventud Rebelde daily

Nothing is as common for the government in Washington as ignorance, charlatanism and lack of scruples. It’s very unlikely that the people there even know of the saying coined by the famous writer George Bernard Shaw that “Hatred is the vengeance of a frightened coward”.

This observation by the Nobel Prize winner for literature mirrors the behavior of US State Department spokesperson, Richard Boucher, who told the press last Thursday that he did not hope for a rapid recovery for Fidel Castro after an accident suffered Wednesday night in which the Cuban leader fractured his knee and cracked a bone in his arm

Responding to questions on the subject of the Cuban leader’s health, Boucher didn’t stop there, but went on to say that Fidel Castro’s fall was not the type that his government had hoped for, and that the Cuban government needs to come to an end.

The State Department spokesperson is always ready with some witty remark, but shows little understanding of events. The little instruction manual he always carries with him to press conferences gives him away. It is obviously a bitter pill to swallow that the person he hates so much didn’t fall apart, but rather endured his intense pain to explain to the young (graduating) teachers, the people of Santa Clara and the general public what had happened, adding with his usual tenacity: “I’m in one piece”.

However, Boucher is not an isolated case - it is proverbial that the idiots plotting treachery in the US State Department make fools of themselves.

The press agencies are recording the joy in which State Department officials received the news of the accident, and the meanness of their loaded comments that have adorned US television transmissions with constant images of the mishap.

According to a Europa Press dispatch, what happened to Fidel Castro is a topic of jokes in the corridors of the US State Department - a simple stumble evokes a 40-year-old dream in Washington of the toppling of the “maximum leader”.

The press agency reports: “‘We have waited for Castro’s fall for years but didn’t think it would be in this way’, said an official from Colin Powell’s department. ‘This is a sign that the regime is falling’, joked another US high level official anonymously, seeking an omen in the Cuban leader’s accident.”

What else could be expected of this hateful mendacity that harbors itself in the representatives of this right-wing, neo-conservative administration that howls at the slightest mention of the word “Fidel”?

Respect for adversity evidently doesn’t control such barbarous conduct by spokespeople and anonymous officials of the State Department.

This attitude is part of the “doctrine” which they would impose on the world, where politics have nothing to do with morals. To anticipate or desire the death of even those that do not serve one’s interests is a doctrine that goes against all ethical obligations.

The leaders of the Cuban Revolution have distinguished themselves with exactly the opposite sentiment, never using taunts at the mishaps of others – not even their worst opponents.

Thus history illustrates the principled position demonstrated in Cuba when the news of another assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan reached Havana – a man who was one of the worst enemies of the Island – and how Fidel himself informed the US authorities of the facts; or the immediate condemnation of the atrocious crime on September 11, and the offer to help the people of the USA.

Compańero Fidel’s unfortunate accident might have stirred up the destructive emotion of hate in State Department officials and others who hold grudges, but it also brought on an intense show of love and affection from many friends across the world.

No one who knows him will doubt that, as much as he is indifferent to this primitive and derisory hatred, this avalanche of affection will enormously help in Compańero Fidel’s recovery.

Translation: Simon Wollers.
Fidel Castro: Letter to his compatriots (October 22, 2004)
Fidel Castro: I am still in one piece (October 21, 2004)



QUESTION: Did you hear that Castro fell?

MR. BOUCHER: We heard that Castro fell. There are, I think, various reports that he broke a leg, an arm, a foot, and other things, and I'd guess you'd have to check with the Cubans to find out what's broken about Mr. Castro. We, obviously, have expressed our views about what's broken in Cuba.

QUESTION: Do you wish him a speedy recovery?


QUESTION: No? Do you wish him a speedy demise?

MR. BOUCHER: I'll leave the man's health alone. I think our view --

QUESTION: Would you have preferred that his injuries be more life threatening? (Laughter.) People have come out, including your former boss --

MR. BOUCHER: I know.

QUESTION: -- and said things like, well, we hope the actuarial tables catch up with Mr. Castro. Are you disappointed that he wasn't more seriously wounded?

MR. BOUCHER: I'm not going to express that kind of disappointment. I think, you know, the event speak for themselves. The situation in Cuban is of our primary concern. The situation of Mr. Castro is of little concern to us, but unfortunately of enormous importance to the people of Cuba, who have suffered very long under his role. And we think that the kind of rule that Cuba has had should be ended.

QUESTION: Do you think if he stepped aside -- that's an "if" question, of course -- whoever succeeds him would provide any policy more to the U.S.'s liking than Castro has?

MR. BOUCHER: It would be highly speculative for me to say that at this point, except to note that we do think the people of Cuba deserve democracy. They, like everybody else in the world, deserve a chance to choose their own fate and future, and that the Secretary of State co-chaired an effort on behalf of this Administration last year to identify what we can do to hasten that day and what we can do when that day comes to support the people of Cuba, as they have found their own democracy, which is something we have strong confidence that they will someday be able to do.

To Nelson for inspiration.
To Simon for translation.
To Federico for web assistance.
To Walter for persistence.

