
The times of green-yellow oil

Brazil opens to the world the doors of a renewable and profitable energy as an alternative to gasoline


(June 15, 2006)

The first car made by Henry Ford during the early 20th century functioned on ethanol. Between 1956 and 1962 Cuban transportation used this component that native humor called it mofuco. This term is still referred to in chemical texts as “a mixture of alcohol with gasoline that was prepared in Cuba during the 50s”.



The oil crisis boosts production of biofuels 



 . From alcohol to mofuco
 . Ethanol in figures

 . Bread or cars

But the invention of the great magnate and commercial initiative of the distilleries in the Caribbean Island did not last. They fell rapidly to the influx of oil and its derivatives that were plentiful and cheap, during the happy years of the oil empire.

What could have been the great business of the century was set back to a waiting list, a product that was less harmful to the environment.

The world had to suffer several conflicts for ideas about the international development of biofuels to take hold. These are defined as any solid, liquid or gaseous substance obtained from organic matter, from plants or industrial, commercial, domestic or agricultural waste.

Luckily or not, the third millennium relied more on the industry of oil and prices per barrels flew skyward.  Also, reserves of the fossil resource got scarcer. Since then, humankind urgently opens the door to resources of renewable energy.

The Brazilian spark

During the first world crisis of oil in 1973 some countries revived interest on biofuels. Brazil was outstanding among them.

Brazilian ethanol plants are some of the most efficient in the world.

The South American giant, battered by its almost total dependence on foreign oil, imposed the massive use of gasoline with sugar-produced ethanol.

At the same time government leaders defined the Pro alcohol program granting funds and soft loans for sugar companies to build more plants. The Air Force researcher, Urbano Ernesto Stumpf, designed a motor that worked exclusively with the vegetable fuel. By November of 1976 the first three cars using this fuel traveled along the roads from Sao Paulo to Manaos.

But other world situations sped up the energy project during the end of the 70s. The industries had to increase production. PETROBRAS began the sale of ethanol in its gas stations and car manufacturers received tax incentives to massively produce vehicles that worked on biofuels.

Between ups and downs

Filling a tank in Brazil with ethanol costs seven dollars less than with gasoline 

In Brazil, during the 80s, alcohol cost much less than gasoline. But by mid decade, oil prices plummeted and checkmated all proposed goals.

Quite a few thought it was a failure although the ethanol market never disappeared because it continued to be of obligatory compliance to combine it with refined fossil crude.

Also, the sugar industry took on other manners of reducing costs. It developed varieties that were resistant to plagues and droughts. It used bagasse to generate electricity and fertilized crops with must. In 1975 one hectare of sugarcane yielded two thousand liters of ethanol. Today that figure has gone up to six thousand.

Fuel-flexible stroke

More than 70 percent of all cars sold in Brazil are manufactured from flexible fuel

With the new millennium, won its leadership again although the ghost of the 80s was still around and quite a few were not convinced that it would keep low priced.

Two years later, engineer Fernando Damasceno of the Magneti Marelli plant hit on the key problem. He designed a piece that would allow all vehicles to use any mixture.

Between April and June of 2004, Volkswagen (VW) and General Motors (GM) placed the first fuel-flexible cars on the market. By this measure it strategically assured the internal market and broadened the possibility of exporting vehicles, alcohol and vehicle technology.

Successful bets

The new carburetors admit any mixture: alcohol with gasoline, pure ethanol or gasoline

With this initiative, Brazil saves about 180 thousand barrels of gasoline per day. A saving that represents four billion dollars also preventing the emission of 24 million tons of carbon dioxide.

Currently three quarters of cars sold are flexible models and ethanol is available from Rio de Janeiro to the Amazon.

Sugar cane is the ideal raw material for production of this vegetable oil since the country has broad expanses of land, hand labor and water. For the coming harvest, more than half its plantations will be destined to manufacturing the most efficient biofuel in the world, followed by another derived from corn.

In the next three years 45 new plants will be set up at a cost of billions of dollars for the production of ethanol and sugar. At the end of this period, ethanol totals are calculated in 18.7 billion liters, a volume reserved for the internal market of this giant and incipient international commitments. 

With this renewable fuel and oil from the high seas as well as immense water resources have made Brazil an energy independent nation.

Cuban Triad


Sugar cane is one of the most profitable and efficient raw materials for the production of ethanol  (Photo: RAFAEL TORRES ESCOBAR)

Since Diego Velázquez brought the first sugar cane, it has always been the most valuable product for the Island, even during these times, when it is no longer considered to be the driving force of the country. But, since sugar still courses through its veins, the news that the Mielera Heriberto Duquesne company of Villa Clara is producing alcohol from the sugar juice by-product.

The crux of the matter was that, for the first time, Cuba applied – with certain modifications – the technological principles of the Brazilian plants, pioneers in development and flexible production scheme of both sugar and/or ethanol.

Based on these ideas, the Sugar Industry Ministry (MINAZ) and native technicians adapted the mills of the plant to obtain two types of guarapo. This changes offers the possibility of milling crude sugar and obtain its fuel derivative. Traditionally alcohol is obtained by the end product, molasses.

With this method, the company produced half its plan – calculated in about one hundred thousand hectoliters. Also a higher quality exportable grain was obtained not contaminated with musts as well as sufficient bagasse to generate electricity for its factories and refining centrifuges for the Chiquitico Fabregat sugar mill that is five kilometers away.

The  Heriberto Duquesne, sugar mill and distillery of Villa Clara, a new technology is applied for the production of alcohol in Cuba


Today, alcohol is used to produce rums, medicines and perfume although for many years it had been used for combustion in the Pike kerosene cookers. Currently, total production in Cuba does not surpass the million hectoliters. In the next harvest other Cuban distilleries will apply this technology.

The experience of the Heriberto Duquesne company its technical and economic concepts are viable for the Cuban industry that is now revolutionizing productions of biofuels and sugar for export. But, investments are necessary.

This result links easily with the MINAZ policy of developing a strategic core from the sweet grain, alcohol and electric energy derived from bagasse. The Triad could prove to be another driving force in the country.





From alcohol to must 

During the Second World War and the Korean conflict, Cuba had a notable increase in its production of alcohol sparked by a great demand of the United States and high prices. This compound was used equally, mixed with gasoline and production of beverages and medicines.

Officially about 80 distilleries were set up in the Island as also many other clandestine ones. In 1958 two million hectoliters were produced, the highest volume of dehydrated alcohol ever made in the country. In 1956, due to pressure of the distillery owners – and the fall in the markets due to the end of the wars – a decree was imposed linking it to the oil derivative. A decision that originated the famous Cuban must.

Ethanol in figures

Brazil is the largest producer of ethanol in the world, closely followed by the United States with over 3.5 billion gallons obtained from corn.

In the Asian continent, China makes about a billion gallons with wheat and corn while India produced 500 million gallons from sugar cane.

Regarding the European Union, France produces about 200 million gallons from beets and wheat. On a worldwide level, alcohol as fuel has only replaced about two percent of the total consumption of gasoline.

Today, the South American nation consumes about 13.5 billion liters of the new fuel. Along its highways and avenues more than a million flexible fuel cars travel. Sweden and Japan are the main international clients. The United States, China, India, Canada and Venezuela import this “green-yellow oil”.

Bread or cars

Biofuels are so advantageous for humanity that they cannot be ignored. They throw out to the atmosphere less carbon dioxide lessening the greenhouse effect.

They also benefit rural economies by creating jobs and diversifying crops. As a fuel locally produced and renewable, it reduces dependence on foreign oil and improves trade balances of the importing nations.

It also contributes to balance prices of other raw materials as has happened with sugar during the course of this year.

But beware; there is a barrier. The earth itself. If crops are radically changed for energy producing plants it could seriously unbalance demands for food and affect prices. In fact, price of sugar has gone up to 17 cents a pound, four times more in less than a year among other factors because Brazil has set aside half its sugar crop for the production of ethanol. Prices of farm products could continue to rise to the skies and Shakespeare’s famous dilemma would then be: bread or cars.








En tiempos del petróleo verde-amarillo

Brasil abre al mundo las puertas de una energía renovable, rentable y alternativa a la gasolina


(15 de junio de 2006)

El primer automóvil que fabricó Henry Ford en los albores del siglo XX funcionó con etanol. Entre 1956 y 1962, el transporte terrestre cubano consumía un componente bautizado por el ingenio criollo como mofuco. Término aún reconocido en los textos químicos como "la mezcla de alcohol con gasolina que se hacía en Cuba en los años 50".

 La crisis petrolera favorece la producción de biocombustibles


 . Del alcohol al mofuco
 . Etanol en cifras
 . Pan o automóviles

Pero la inventiva del gran magnate y la iniciativa comercial de las destilerías de la isla caribeña, no sobrevivieron por mucho tiempo. Sucumbieron rápidamente bajo los influjos del petróleo y sus derivados, abundantes y baratos, durante los años felices del imperio del crudo.

A lista de espera pasó lo que pudo haber sido otro gran negocio en la centuria; incluso, con efectos menos adversos al medio ambiente.

El mundo tuvo que padecer no pocos conflictos para que hoy fructificaran algunas ideas para el desarrollo internacional de los biocombustibles, definidos como cualquier sustancia sólida, líquida o gaseosa derivada de materia orgánica, a partir de plantas o de desechos industriales, comerciales, domésticos o agrícolas.

Suerte o no, el tercer milenio ciñó aún más a la industria del crudo, y los precios del barril subieron hasta las nubes. También empezaron a flaquear las reservas del recurso fósil. Desde entonces, la humanidad abre con urgencia las puertas de las fuentes renovables de energía.

El detonante brasileño

Durante la primera crisis mundial del carburante en 1973, algunos países revivieron el interés por los biocombustibles. Y Brasil sobresalió entre ellos.

Las plantas brasileñas de etanol son una de las más eficientes en el mundo

El gigante suramericano, noqueado entonces por su dependencia casi total del crudo foráneo, impuso el uso masivo de gasolina con etanol, derivado de la caña de azúcar.

A la par, los gobernantes definieron el programa Pro alcohol, a través del cual otorgaron fondos y préstamos blandos para que las compañías azucareras construyeran otras plantas y el investigador Urbano Ernesto Stumpf, de la Fuerza Aérea, ideara un motor que funcionara exclusivamente con carburante vegetal. Ya en noviembre de 1976, sus primeros tres autos recorrían las carreteras desde Sao Paulo hasta Manaos.

Pero otros trances mundiales aceleraron el proyecto energético a finales de los 70. Las industrias tuvieron que aumentar las producciones. PETROBRAS inició la venta de etanol en sus estaciones, y fabricantes de automóviles recibieron incentivos tributarios para elaborar masivamente vehículos biocombustibles.

Entre bajas y altas

En Brasil rellenar el tanque con etanol cuesta siete dólares menos que si se usara la gasolina

En Brasil, a principios de los 80, el alcohol valía mucho menos que la gasolina. Pero a mediados de la década, el precio del petróleo se desplomó y puso en jaque todas las metas propuestas.

No pocos pensaron en el fracaso, aunque el mercado del etanol nunca desapareció porque seguía siendo obligatorio combinarlo con el crudo fósil refinado.

También la industria azucarera asimiló otras maneras para reducir sus costes. Desarrolló variedades resistentes a plagas y sequías. Utilizó el bagazo en la generación de electricidad y con los mostos fertilizó los cultivos. En 1975, una hectárea de caña rendía dos mil litros de etanol. Hoy está en casi seis mil.

El toque fuel-flexibles

Más del 70 por ciento de los autos en ventas en Brasil son de consumo flexible

Con el nuevo milenio, el derivado volvió a su liderazgo, aunque aún rondaba el fantasma de los 80, y muchos no estaban convencidos de que se mantuviera más barato.

Pero dos años después, el ingeniero Fernando Damasceno, de la planta Magneti Marelli, daba con la clave del problema. Ideó un aparato para que todos los automóviles pudieran emplear cualquier mezcla.

Las compañías Volkswagen (VW) y General Motors (GM), entre abril y junio de 2004, situaban en el mercado los primeros automóviles fuel-flexibles, con los que estratégicamente aseguraban un mercado interno y ampliaban las posibilidades de exportación de vehículos, alcohol y tecnología automotriz.

Exitosa apuesta

Los nuevos carburadores admiten cualquier mezcla: alcohol con gasolina, etanol puro o gasolina

Con esta iniciativa, Brasil economiza unos 180 mil barriles de gasolina por día, valorados anualmente en cuatro mil millones de dólares. También evita que cada año asciendan a la atmósfera 24 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono.

Actualmente, las tres cuartas partes de los autos en ventas son modelos flexibles, y el etanol está disponible desde Río de Janeiro hasta el Amazonas.

La caña de azúcar resulta la materia prima ideal para elaborar este carburante vegetal, ya que el país posee abundantes tierras, mano de obra y agua. Para la venidera zafra, más de la mitad de sus plantaciones estarán destinadas a la fabricación del biocombustible más eficiente del mundo, seguido de otro derivado del maíz.

En los próximos tres años, se prevén construir 45 nuevas plantas a un costo de miles de millones de dólares, destinadas a producir indistintamente alcohol y azúcar. Al finalizar este período, los totales de etanol se calculan en 18 mil 700 millones de litros, volumen reservado para el gigante mercado interno y los incipientes compromisos internacionales.

Este combustible renovable, además del petróleo de altamar e inmensos recursos hídricos, han hecho hoy del Brasil una nación energéticamente independiente.

Tríada cubana

 La caña de azúcar es una de las materias primas más rentables y eficientes para la producción de etanol (Foto: RAFAEL TORRES ESCOBAR)

Desde que Diego Velázquez trajo la primera caña, el azúcar ha sido siempre lo más valioso para esta Isla. Incluso en estos tiempos, cuando ya no es considerada la locomotora del país. Pero como aún corre por sus venas, casi fue inadvertida la noticia sobre las producciones de alcohol, a partir del jugo de la gramínea, en la Empresa Mielera Heriberto Duquesne, de Villa Clara.

Y el quid del suceso estaba en que por primera vez se aplicaba en Cuba -con sus adecuaciones-, los principios tecnológicos de las plantas brasileñas, pioneras en el desarrollo de esquemas productivos flexibles para obtener durante el propio proceso azúcar y/o etanol.

A partir de estas ideas, especialistas del Ministerio de la Industria Azucarera (MINAZ) y técnicos del territorio, adaptaron los molinos del ingenio para lograr dos tipos de guarapos. Este cambio posibilita que en una molida se pueda hacer azúcar crudo y el carburante derivado. Tradicionalmente, el alcohol se saca de las mieles finales.

Con este método, la empresa logró producir casi la mitad del plan, calculado en unos cien mil hectolitros. Además, obtuvo un grano con mayor calidad exportable, menos carga contaminante en los mostos, y bagazo suficiente para generar la electricidad de sus fábricas y las centrífugas refinadoras del central Chiquitico Fabregat, distante cinco kilómetros.

En el ingenio y destilería Heriberto Duquesne, de Villa Clara, se fomenta la nueva tecnología de producción de alcohol en Cuba (Foto: RAFAEL TORRES ESCOBAR)

Hoy el alcohol se destina a la producción de rones, medicamentos y perfumería, fundamentalmente, aunque por muchos años casi todo se había combustionado en los fogones Pike, en los cuales se utilizaba para su precalentamiento. En la actualidad la producción total en Cuba no rebasa el millón de hectolitros. A partir de la próxima zafra, otras destilerías cubanas aplicarán esta tecnología.

La experiencia de la empresa Heriberto Duquesne hace viable en la industria cubana los conceptos técnicos y económicos que hoy están revolucionando las producciones de biocombustibles y azúcar en el mundo. Claro, inversiones mediante.

Este resultado entronca con la política del MINAZ de desarrollar un núcleo estratégico, a partir del grano dulce, alcohol y la energía eléctrica del bagazo. Tríada que podría ser otra locomotora más en el país.