Anti-Semitism and Israel's July 2006 attack on Lebanon
by Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky
Monday, July 17, 2006 11:26 AM

Néstor Gorojovsky, 54 is General Secretary of the Patria y Pueblo political party in Argentina.

He began his political career in high school. He was a young Jews in Argentina who took a left Zionist viewoint, but left the Zionist movement in 1972 after a revealing trip to Israel. That same year he joined the political movement called National Left, which was headed by Jorge Abelardo Ramos and Jorge Enea Spilimbergo.

The National Left (La Izquierda Nacional) is the one sector of the Argentine left which, since 1945, has characterized Peronism as a national liberation movement. Its main positions include Latin American national unity. Workers leadership in the national front. support for national movements in Latin America and organizational independence with respect to movements where socialists aren't in the leadership.

On June 30th, when the whole thing began with the Israeli attacks on Gaza, I drafted a personal declaration on this issue (more from my guts than from my brain) and sent it to a couple of mailing lists. I said that though my focus was on the "revolutionary convergence of Argentine patriots, the unification of Latin America and the suppression of the capitalist mode of production", taking into account that I was a Jew, that the Israeli government states that its actions are taken on behalf of every Jew the world over, and most Argentine Jewish institutions support this claim, I felt the necessity to declare that the Israeli aggressions were crimes that could not be tolerated. I also added that in the long range they would be unable to stop the destruction of that prized pearl of the Zionist Movement, the State of Israel. I stated that I would sum my own voice to the clamor of my people, the Argentine people, for the liberation of the Arab Nation and the rights of the Palestine people.

I also warned that not even Israeli Jews would be able to keep themselves safe forever while imperialist oppression of the Arab world would exist. I said that this policy was taking them to a slaughterhouse, as criminal as the one built by the Nazi regime for the Jews in Central Europe.

I denounced the "Jewish National Homeland" obtained through agreements with imperialist powers, and said that it had become, as it couldn't have been otherwise, a super-ghetto with cannon-mounted entrails, in permanent war with its neighbors and supported by the most criminal superpower humankind had ever seen. I also remembered that the root of all this disaster lay in the imperialist carving out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire, and called for the unity of Jews and non-Jews in the destruction of every imperialist or pro-imperialist state in the Middle East as the road to the region.

Obvious, isn't it?

Well, the fact is that this declaration had an unexpected success. I received lots of greetings from Jews and non-Jews, I was interviewed on diverse radio shows, well, this turned out to fill a true necessity!

I have recently learnt that it was read on Venezuelan national radio.

And based on that declaration I was able to deliver strong calls against this "neo-anti-Semitism" that is somehow developing in the Movement (in Argentina, at least, if you have alert feelers you can easily sense it!)

So that, yes, such actions are highly commendable. Sometimes, it is good to trust one's own guts.


[I don't usually meddle in these matters, because my exclusive interest is the revolutionary unit of Argentinean patriots, the unification of Latin America and the suppression of the capitalist mode of production which are all, in my view, different aspects of the same single task.

But looking at the present developments in the Middle East and considering that (a) I am Jewish, (b) the Israeli governments affirms they act on behalf of all Jews in the world and, (c) the majority of Jewish institutions in Argentina support this bold pretension, I hereby declare that in my view:]

The present Israeli aggression against the population in Gaza, the intimidating flights over Syria's territory and the despicable sequester of the legitimate Palestinian government are intolerable crimes. These will also be unable, in the long run, to stop the march of a history that has already condemned the pretensions of the Zionist movement and its most precious product, the State of Israel.

As a Latin America Jew, I detach myself entirely from this brutal Zionist policy and join my Argentinean people in their claim for the liberation of the Arab nation and the rights of the Palestinian people.

Not even the Jews in Israel will be able to hold forever the imperialist oppression of the Arab world. This policy takes the Israelis of Jewish origin to a slaughterhouse as criminal as the one the Nazi regime built for the Jews in Central Europe. And forces the Jews of the entire world to define themselves before humanity, precisely because of the self-abrogated right of the Israeli regime to represent all Jews.

The "Jewish National Homeland" obtained through alliance with imperialist powers has become -it could not be otherwise - a super ghetto of artillery entrails, resting on the most criminal power humanity has known, that opposes a growing mass of neighbors tired of their complicity with imperialist violence, looting and backwardness. This cannot be sustained even from a presupposed non-historical Judaism, as certain religious trends - more concerned on the matters of Earth than those of Heaven -- pretend to do. Nothing is more repugnant to the most valuable part of Jewish consciousness than this result of the attempt to solve the situation of Central and Eastern Europe Jews by despoiling a portion of the Arab people from part of their territory.

These events had antecedents in the imperialist distribution of the spoils of the Ottoman Empire. Only the unity of Jews and non Jews for the destruction of every imperialist or pro imperialist regime in the Middle East can bring peace to the region. The Zionist aggression to the Arab nation must end.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky


Declaration of Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky, in Spanish, follows:

[No suelo meterme en estos asuntos, ya que mi interés exclusivo es la unidad revolucionaria de los patriotas argentinos, la unificación de América Latina y la supresión del modo de producción capitalista, que son a mi entender distintas facetas de una y la misma tarea.

Pero ante los actuales acontecimientos del Medio Oriente, y teniendo en cuenta que (a) soy judío, (b) el gobierno israelí afirma actuar como lo hace en nombre de todos los judíos del mundo, y (c) la mayor parte de las instituciones judías de la Argentina avala esta temeraria pretensión, declaro por este medio que a mi modo de ver:]

La actual agresión israelí contra la población de Gaza, los amenazadores y violatorios sobrevuelos contra Siria y el incalificable secuestro del legítimo gobierno palestino son delitos intolerables, que por lo demás serán inútiles, a largo plazo, para detener la marcha de una historia que ya se ha pronunciado en contra de las pretensiones del movimiento sionista y de su más preciado producto, el Estado de Israel.

Como judío de América Latina, me deslindo tajantemente de la brutal política sionista, y me sumo a mi pueblo argentino en el clamor por la liberación de la nación árabe y los derechos del pueblo palestino.

Ni siquiera los judíos de Israel se podrán sostener eternamente sobre la opresión imperialista del mundo árabe. Esta política lleva a los israelíes de origen judío a un matadero tan criminal como el que construyó el régimen nazi para los judíos de Europa Central. Y fuerza a los judíos de todo el mundo a definirse ante sí mismos y la humanidad entera, precisamente por la pretensión que se arroga el régimen israelí de representarlos a todos.

El "hogar nacional judío" obtenido en alianza con las potencias imperialistas se ha transformado, como no podía ser de otro modo, en un súper-ghetto de entrañas artilladas, apoyado en la más criminal de las potencias que ha visto la humanidad, que se opone a una masa creciente de vecinos hartos de su complicidad en la violencia, el saqueo y el atraso imperialistas. Ni siquiera se lo puede sostener desde una supuesta "judeidad" ahistórica, como pretenden hacerlo ciertas corrientes religiosas más preocupadas por los asuntos de la Tierra que por los del Cielo: nada, en efecto, repugna más a lo más valioso de la conciencia judía que este resultado inexorable del intento de resolver la situación de los judíos de Europa Central y Oriental despojando a una fracción del pueblo árabe de parte de su territorio.

Estos acontecimientos se engendraron ya en el entrevero de la repartija imperialista de los despojos del Imperio Otomano. Solo la unidad de judíos y no judíos en la destrucción de todo régimen imperialista o proimperialista en el Medio Oriente podrá traer la paz a la región. La agresión sionista a la nación árabe debe terminar.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

Este correo lo ha enviado Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky
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"La patria tiene que ser la dignidad arriba y el regocijo abajo".
Aparicio Saravia

Néstor Gorojovsky, 54. Secretario General del partido político Patria y Pueblo.

Inicia su carrera política durante la escuela secundaria. Joven judío en Argentina, se suma a la izquierda del sionismo, movimiento que abandona en 1972 tras un revelador viaje a Israel. Ese mismo año se incorpora a la política argentina a través de la Izquierda Nacional, grupo dirigido por Jorge Abelardo Ramos y Jorge Enea Spilimbergo.

La Izquierda Nacional es el único sector de la izquierda argentina que en 1945 caracteriza al peronismo como un movimiento de liberación nacional. Sus posiciones principales son: (a) unidad nacional latinoamericana, (b) dirección obrera del frente nacional, (c) apoyo a los movimientos nacionales en América Latina, (d) independencia organizativa respecto a las direcciones no socialistas de esos movimientos.