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January 28, 2006


The Honorable George W. Bush

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.

Washington, DC 90500


Dear Mr. President:


Just over a year ago, in response to your invitation, I had the honor of meeting with you in the Oval Office in the White House, as I had done with your father when he was President of the United States and who also honored me with an invitation May 20, 1991 to commemorate Cuba’s independence.  My release, after more than 22 years as a political prisoner (“plantado”-- steadfast) in the jails of the tyrant Fidel Castro, was due in large part to the support your father gave to the cause of my liberty, a gesture I will always remember with sincere gratitude.


The reason that I am moved to write you today is to reiterate, on behalf of myself, my family, and the patriotic Cuban organization I currently lead, our most fervent support in your role as President of this great nation, cradle of liberty and progress.  Our solidarity and our thoughts are with the American troops stationed in Iraq and any place where duty to protect liberty and democracy requires the presence of such brave soldiers.


It is also my intention to request, Mr. President, that a more dynamic and effective policy be put in place in support of the freedom of Cuba.  We Cubans of good faith who are involved in this struggle are aware of the work of the Commission your administration established to find solutions to the Cuban tragedy.  But we think that 47 years of a ferocious tyranny is enough in the social and economic disintegration of a country and in the suffering of its victims.  We think the time urgently calls for more radical solutions not only in the promises but also in concrete actions.


With sincere humility from someone who is willing to give everything, including my life if necessary, in exchange for no personal benefit other than the satisfaction of the freedom of my country and the fulfillment of my duty, it is with profound respect and gratitude that I wish to remind you of the words of José Martí that say, “For Cuba, it is time”.


May God bless you, Mr. President and this great nation you lead with courage and honor.





Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez

Secretary General, ALPHA 66

Vice-President UNIDAD CUBANA

December 2005


By Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez
Secretary General of Alpha 66    

Last December 9th  at the main office of ALPHA 66, under the title, "The Courts of Law in the Cuba of the Future and the Law as Sanction”, Dr. José Sánchez Boudy offered an extraordinary conference. As it was to be expected, his lecture was wonderful.  It gave us Cubans one more reason to fill ourselves with pride because it revitalized the love we have for that magical Island that holds our roots and that Dr. Sánchez Boudy describes, with refined sensitivity and patriotism, as "The Eternal Cuba".


This morning as I remembered the essential points that served as the central theme of his lecture, I asked myself once again:  What formula should we use to stanch the wounds in our search for the reconciliation of the Cuban family?  Should we simply forget the horrible crimes committed by the executioners of the tyranny?  Could we consider as adequate the controversial policy of “let bygones be bygones?".

From the perspective of those who defend the Communist theory that "the end justify the means”, this type of solution seems to be acceptable. As it seems acceptable to many Cubans who thought it correct to applaud all the nastiness that came from the sick mind of the Commander-in-Chief, including the abolition of Christmas, the right to be free, the celebration of elections with the participation of diverse parties, freedom of the press and the right to own property, the right to have the possibility of choosing a job based on an individual’s vocation and his or her capabilities to fulfill the particular job.  For some people, even humiliation was acceptable; and it was acceptable that the tyrant stepped not only on their rights but also on their own dignity.


For those who put the duty of conscience above their personal interests, the answer to that vacillating strategy –similar to the ostrich’s- must be an emphatic NO!  When the moment of the liberation arrives, it will not only be necessary to bring the criminals to justice so that the corresponding sanctions be applied to them, with all the guarantees offered by law, but the sanctions must also be imparted according to the severity of the crimes committed.  We must be careful with our good intentions. To spread a message that is contrary to this is not only an irresponsible and false promise, but the result could have a negative impact because it provides confidence to the assassins and stimulates them to continue committing their abuses and crimes.


Regardless of what the weight of the conscience could mean to people in their ethical and moral behavior, if when applying a “humanist” or “national reconciliation” approach, the bank robbers were rewarded with an irresponsible pardon, the increase in those robberies would multiply by the day, because it is easier to take money in piles from a bank vault, than to earn a salary as a doctor, bricklayer, bus driver or gravedigger. This is why it is necessary to inform the predators of freedom, the executioners, and those who take lives away to simply satisfy their hunger for hatred or to serve a tyrant that we won’t have considerations with them in a free Cuba.

And it must be clear, very clear, that we disapprove of the abominable method of revenge. No, there is no place for revenge in civilized societies and we reject it with the same vehemence that we reject that other extreme of injustice, symbolized by the unrestricted tolerance and the subtle insensitivity in the face of someone else’s pain and even the victims’ rights to not be infamously assassinated.


The balance between love, pardon, understanding, and human life itself should not be represented by a tightrope, but by a very well-balanced scale. That is the tangible limbo that indicates to us the side of the twilight and the side of the dawn; and also which road we must take for the inevitable transit between thorns and flowers in that long trip that we initiated many years ago towards a prosperous and happy future Cuba. To impart true justice is neither a pleasure nor a consolation. It is simply an instructive and historical necessity

November 2005


By Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez
Secretary General of Alpha 66

This morning at the beginning of dawn, looking through my windowpane, I saw the naked, leafless trees,
and perched on a withering branch was an unfortunate, shivering bird. Then, I realized that I was not in Cojímar, the peaceful fishing town where I had the privilege to be born and to grow in total freedom, enjoying the restless breeze and a beach without bars and chains. It was a time of happiness, hope and dreams, until the arrival of the annihilating Revolution that surrounded the whole island with gases of misery, and flooded the arteries of thousands of Cubans with hatred and malice.  Tens of thousands of Cubans, I would say, (despite the pain of this bitter truth) who were not conscious of the concept of nation, nor of the meaning of human dignity.

Suddenly, I felt sad. I was invaded by the sadness of the shipwrecked, of the butterfly that wishes to fly but remains trapped in its cocoon.  I was not looking at the landscape of my beloved Cuba, always immersed in my pupils, although far away in time and space. I did not awaken surrounded by palms, neither was this silent bird the sonorous mockingbird, or the joyful hummingbird that sucked the nectar of the flowers in the backyard of my house.   No. How sad I felt!  I had just rediscovered, as in so many previous occasions, the bitter flavor left in my throat by the aloe of a prolonged exile, of a borrowed land, and a strange freedom.

Then, I was glad for my struggle, for not giving up. I was glad of my almost 23 years of political imprisonment and of the privilege of sharing my confinement and agony with men who are a national symbol due to their heroic attitude, their sacrifice, and for their love of democratic institutions and the freedom of their homeland. I was glad of the many times that I risked my life in efforts to infiltrate the island, in unequal combats against the enemy, against those who, like idiots, support the atrocious tyranny, either out of fear or maliciousness, or just for the sake of enjoying a few breadcrumbs once in a while.

We, who yearn for a happy country, a country free of all the grief imposed by dictatorships and indecent and unscrupulous governments that ignore their obligation to duty in exchange for improving their own way of life, have no other option than that which has been correctly described by some people of reason as, intransigence, which means, honor. Because in the matters related to our homeland, in those regarding national interests, intransigence means dignity, it means not giving up, not accepting shameful agreements where the loafers and assassins from Castro's tyranny are granted positions in the governmental directives of a future Cuba. No, they will have to go to the thrash heap of history or to another thrash heap of their preference, but where they won't have anything to do with the destiny of the Cuban nation.

ALPHA 66 has a long history of battles, a long and beautiful history where its supreme leaders stood out for their abnegation, for their honesty, and for the humility with which they traveled through life, leaving each step of the way a fertile seed of love, understanding, and human solidarity. They had the vision to insert themselves within the indispensable currents of not making concessions with tyranny. The strategies of Andrés Nazario Sargén and Dr Diego Medina coincided and were coherent in the vertical position that our organization regards as the principles and the right that we Cubans have to fight with our own means to someday reconquer the freedom of Cuba. Colonels Vicente Méndez and José Rodríguez Pérez landed on the coasts of Cuba, each of them accompanied by a group of brave fighters. They offered their lives in an unforgettable gesture of patriotism. Other Cubans preceded them. Many

more have left their mark in the prisons of the regime or have fallen later, in unequal combats, like Méndez and Rodriguez Perez.  Thousands of Cubans have given everything.  They are those who, facing the firing squads, have courageously shouted: "Long live Christ the King!"

That everlasting example is to be the light that will guide us in our daily tasks. We cannot accept a solution where the foundations of Castro's tyranny are not totally destroyed. No, we cannot grant a place inside the future government to loafers or people responsible for so many abuses, whether moral or physical, against a defenseless population.

If we aspire to have a dawn with the whisper of palms, and without little, somber birds shivering on dry branches, then, when the bells of dawn awake us, we must continue striking the reef with our naked fist. To demolish the wall with our bare feet is not a task for those who are simply satisfied by waiting for things to happen. It is necessary to make things happen, without waiting for anyone else, and without requesting permission from anybody.

March 2005

By Miguel L. Talleda

It is not a coincidence. The fact is that there is a greater power that decides. Most of the time it is incomprehensible for humans to grasp that a road has been traced for a people, that regardless of difficulties and horrible stumbling blocks, as is the case of Cuba, there is always a shining light that remains steady during its darkest hours and that will not falter even when the path to follow appears endless.

On several occasions we discussed this with Andrés because always in the face of some set back or a great loss, the imponderable would surface to give us (and I am referring to those of us in Alpha) the necessary courage to not faint and to continue onward. This has led us to the sound conclusion that behind us is a great power that has guided and destined us to be a beacon of light in the struggle of freedom for our people. 

Why is it that over the years the set backs Alpha has suffered, rather than bring us down, have instead made us more determined to go forward? Other organizations would have disappeared (as some have done) in cases like the failure of the landing in Cuba of Vicente Méndez, Rodríguez Pérez, and their men. But not us. On the contrary. An infinite number of Cubans eager to fight for the freedom of our country joined our struggle after this disastrous event. Many more inside Cuba joined Alpha and created a new force inside the island that served to break the inertia and mental complacency left following the end of uprisings in the Escambray Mountains of Cuba. 

After this we were faced with the events at the Embassy of Peru in Cuba and the Mariel. And who was right in the center of the whirlwind caused by these incidents? Only Alpha, which had to stock its offices in Miami and find ways to provide assistance and asylum to all those arriving. Many of those coming for assistance were clear in their one and only desire: to return with a rifle in hand to continue the struggle they had involuntarily left behind.

And this is how we have found in every occurrence, a positive factor that has made Alpha's trajectory a true liberating epic. We always noticed that each time we lost a leader, for whatever reason, others came to take his or her place. It became like a sacred duty to be sure that the machine, in this case Alpha 66, did not lose its vigor.

But what we are currently seeing, and what we saw at our recent assembly where we elected a new National Executive Committee, is unparallel. We are in the midst of a great enthusiasm that presages a triumph. Old friends have returned along with new militants that want to join this great liberating fury, which under the leadership of our newly elected Secretary General, Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, is preparing for the final battle against the stupid and criminal Castro-Communist system.

Within this pleiades of patriotic valor we are getting the experience of those that already proved their caliber by remaining PLANTADOS (FIRMS OR STEADFAST) for many years in the grim prisons of tyranny. Many have come to join Ernesto, their brother from prison, who together with them forged one of the most brilliant pages in our contemporary history. 

When countries around the world are shaking free from those that have enslaved them and are breathing the fresh air of liberty, Alpha 66, together with the Cuban people prepares to take its place in the vanguard of this final phase of the struggle for freedom.

n this photo are from left to right: Roberto Jiménez, José Antonio Jiménez, Angel de Fana, Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, Eusebio Peñalver and Luis González Infante. (José Antonio Jiménez is our delegate in Chicago and Eusebio Peñalver is our Secretary for Special Projects) 

February 2005

By Miguel L. Talleda

The unknown is now clear. The Iraqi people want to live in freedom. The effort of the American, British, and other coalition troops against the ferocious terrorists has triumphed. President Bush, so unjustly berated, can feel proud. Yes, the price has been high in lives lost but that is the price this nation has paid from its beginning not only to create and defend the freedom and democracy we enjoy today, but also to help other peoples in danger of losing their own freedoms.

As this enormous effort that has liberated almost 50 million people in the Middle East is secured, we hope to finally see, like the Berlin Wall, the fall of the Wall of Silence - a wall that surrounds a storm that has approached in the hopes of imposing on the peoples of Latin America the failed doctrine of Communism. This is being accomplished with the same Soviet tactics of terror that made of Cuba an enslaved country.

Is this an exaggeration? No. The danger is real, as the people of Venezuela are already experiencing. In other countries of Latin America, concrete steps are already underway and work has intensified to create the dark shroud in a society where fear becomes the key factor, a society where terror will turn people into beings without will, without hope, and into zombies at the service of a cruel and bloody caste.

And what is that great media that is made up of newspapers, radio and TV in the United States, in Europe, and in other western countries saying? Isn't this media supposed to watch over the rights that we enjoy today?

It is saying NOTHING. In the rare case when they analyze events related to what is happening in Latin America, this "great free press" only gives simplistic answers. They are totally ignorant and in many cases their analysis coincides with the extreme views of those embedded within the various media organizations. How many times have we heard that Castro is old and sick and does not pose a threat to the United States? Let's not fool ourselves, the reality is very different.

The reality is that we are faced with an American public that ignores the events that can be very dangerous to our system of liberty and democracy. Let's look at one example. Ask some of your coworkers and others around you, to tell you about the Forum of Sao Paulo. You will be surprised the number of people in the U.S. that have never heard of this forum. Yet this group of Communists and fellow travelers, created by Fidel Castro and the current president of Brazil, Lula da Silva in 1990, right after the fall of Communism in Europe, works incessantly to turn the free world into a constellation of enslaved people along the order of Cuba.

The Forum is made up not only of all the Communist and extremist groups of Latin America, but also the narco-terrorists who are not asleep on the job. On the contrary, they have already attained great successes. In addition to the presidency of Brazil, they have a president in Argentina that was part of the Montoneros guerrilla movement and a president in Uruguay that was part of the Tupamaros guerrillas. Both these groups, inspired by Castro, bloodied their respective countries during the 1960s and 1970s trying to violently overthrow their governments in order to impose Communism.

Isn't it time that the media, the governments, and the general public wake up? Or do we wait until terror and slavery, Cuban style, are imposed in all of Latin America?

This important topic is one we will be returning to in the future. Let's hope that the victory of the people of Iraq awakens all of us that value our way of life. We will not tire of sounding the alarm on what is happening in Latin America. There is too much to lose if we don't knock down this Wall of Silence.

January 2005

By Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez 
Secretary General of Alpha 66

Just a few weeks ago, an article signed by the journalist, Jean Guy Allard, was published in Granma International. The extensive article ferociously attacked Alpha-66, the organization, which at the present time, I have the honor to lead as its Secretary General. In said article, the opportunity was also taken to characterize me with the traditional labels of "CIA agent", "supposed terrorist" and other generic and adverse qualifiers which the Communist regime of Cuba traditionally tries to give those who, for one reason or another, causes them to lose their sleep. And while these accusations do not correspond to reality, we still do not feel "honored" by them, on the contrary, they are fantasies that at least, in all honesty, keep us entertained. Moreover, it's free publicity. And here, it's worth mentioning: When your enemies hate you as much, it confirms that your actions are correct and you're on the right track.


Throughout the years, for lack of reasons, lies and defamation have been the most recurrent weapons employed by the tyrant, Fidel Castro. And no one can doubt that this stale journalist, seemingly the author of the afore-mentioned article, speaks in the words of the heroic comma-ante of the bulletproof vest. He repeats thoughtlessly, like a trained parrot, all the slogans of the caudillo of the Sierra Maestra. Perhaps, many may ask themselves: Who is this Jean Guy Allard who writes so often in Granma International attacking the Cuban exiles, and any who within the opposition stand out for their meaningful actions toward the principles of dignity and honor? Well, it has been rumored, and I would not doubt it, that Allard has been involved in drug trafficking and for such reasons is obligated to carry out favors for the boss, Fidel Castro. God knows from what dirty pond he was fished out, because those who know him well have said that the Canadian smells of dung. Notwithstanding, the fact is, that he is in Cuba, protected for the time being by the compensatory services he renders to the dictator and the governing Cuban mafia. 


Mr. Jean Guy Allard, like it or not, and without worry as to the stupidities you write in Granma International or any other outlet to which you are assigned, Alpha 66, and without asking for permission, is going to continue with its strategy of battle, which is the strategy of dignity, the strategy of those of us who prefer the strategy of personal sacrifice, even death if necessary, before shameless and sterile submission. ALPHA-66 is an organization with a conscience of historical responsibility, forged by the doctrine of love, and without surrender, or accepting compromises with the vile enemy. It will apply all methods its leadership deems appropriate. ALL! All methods within the rights given to all nations to be free, to have hopes and dreams, to coexist with those who share a different opinion, sharing in the beautiful condition of civilized human beings, in sum, taking pleasure in the harmonious climate of peace and prosperity. For these rights we fight, not to serve as nourishment to tyrants. For those rights, Alpha 66, the organization that so much scares the Castro dictatorship, was founded 42 years ago. And these, Mr. Allard, not those you persevere to emphasize, are the humanitarian, ideological, and moral principles of Alpha 66.

December 2004

By: Miguel L. Talleda

Another year has ended. The men and women of Alpha 66 have not yet realized the work we set for ourselves of liberating our people from the scoundrels that follow the traitor, Fidel Castro. We have not achieved this despite the hundreds of heroes we have left along the way and the many years spent by our brothers in the prisons of the tyranny. But we continue in the trenches of our duty which is the only place of honor for a people who left their homeland, not as immigrants, but as exiles from the paradise where they were born.

As December 31 approached, we Cubans saw a date that should have been a day of glory, because this is the day that witnessed, in 1958, the culmination of a revolution by a people that struggled to restore their right to liberty, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of 1940. Instead we find that the betrayal of a coward has made this date a curse that our history will not be able to erase.

And what can we expect of the year 2005 that is just beginning? The question has only one answer. If the traitor is physically a tattered bag of bones, if he is unable to provide for even the basic needs of the people, if the failure of the economy is complete, there is nothing else for us to do but to maintain our fierce line of offense until we can once again unite in combat.

The collapse that threatens Communism in our island is clear. The lack of tourism gets worse as a result of confrontations with European countries tired of the tyrant's lies. The sugar harvest is almost all destroyed to the extent that it will produce less than those in the 1920s. His little games of laundering millions of dollars of drug money has become more difficult, and the trips by Cuban Americans to the island have also decreased considerably.

And what occurs to the tyrant? In order to divert their attention, he announces to the deaf and submissive parliamentarians in his congress the discovery of petroleum in the sea facing Santa Cruz del Norte that will be operational in 2006!

On the face of this spectacle of total disaster of the system now in Cuba, our answer is final. In this past year, 2004, we suffered the loss of our leader and guide Andrés Nazario Sargén, but as one man we stood up to continue the struggle, with renewed spirit, new leaders, and unbreakable will. Already our new Secretary General, Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez and his under-secretary, Osiel González, are working tirelessly in the matters of the encampment, Rumbo Sur. They are also reorganizing the offices of Alpha 66 and preparing for our general assembly to reconvene our National Executive that will take place February 26-27, 2005.

Our actions as revolutionaries who struggle to bring freedom to Cuba without compromises, nor ties of any kind, is the core of our organization. Nothing and no one will divert us from our objective which is the same one we set at the founding of the organization in 1961.

And let no one scare us or doubt us because we use the word REVOLUTION, a word tarnished by Fidel Castro and the total destruction he has brought upon our island. TIME magazine in selecting President George W. Bush as person of the year, declares him to be an "American Revolutionary." We are honored to call ourselves revolutionaries and to be in the same company as someone who has been a great liberator of nations.

December 2004

By Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez
Secretary General of Alpha 66

In just a few days, we will unfortunately commemorate the 46th anniversary of Fidel Castro's arrival to power. The so-called experiment initiated by that diabolic creature, the leader of the Sierra Maestra, which he baptized with the name of "Revolution", has cost the Cuban nation more suffering than any other Latin American country has ever been forced to endure. Since that fateful date of January 1, 1959, the number of political prisoners who have spent the better part of their lives in prison and concentration camps, simply for the love of freedom, is really astonishing. Tens of thousands of honest Cubans who did not commit any other crime except the desire for a free, prosperous, and happy Cuba, were assassinated with viciousness and cowardice in front of the firing squads. Other tens of thousands were forced to throw themselves, in a desperate exodus, to the stormy waters of the Straits of Florida. Some survived. Miraculously, they survived to describe their experience, and to narrate their own agonies. Others, in much greater proportion, dissolved within the salted waters, frustrated hopes, and the famished gulps of sharks.

And, we are still rolling downhill. Still the merry-go-round of the Castro revolution continues to turn, destroying everything, and we have yet to find an effective formula to stop it. But we must find it! We, those of us who want a solution without giving up, and without shameful agreements with the enemy, must join all forces, because freedom cannot be conquered on our knees, but only with the razor edge of the machete, and the guiding light of Máximo Gómez. We must fight, tooth and nail, if necessary, in order to bury all the miseries that have been imposed on us. We must fight with the powerful weapons of honor and reason. To bury the agonies and the hopelessness in a deep grave, within the mud, the stench, and the dung that composed the matter and fabric of the tyrant who now commands that brutal and devastating experiment.

Almost 46 years have passed since they weaved our blood with chains. Since they erased the sun of freedom from us, and locked our illusions with bolts. Many were satisfied with survival, and accepted with resignation the humiliating formulas of the thoughtless and capricious will of the tyrant, thinking, perhaps, that in facing an official policy of traps and lies, any method of survival was valid. Others, in a significantly inferior proportion, but with a much more refined sense of the responsibility imposed on us at the moment, understood that, more important than preserving our material values, and more important even than our own lives, was not to let ourselves be annihilated spiritually, because the destruction of the spirit weakens and affects our human condition. Moreover, it places at risk, the preservation of our dignity. 

Those courageous human beings who represent the moral reserves of our Mother country, understood the message of José Martí when he said: "A man who is satisfied obeying unjust laws, and allows the men who mistreat the land in which he was born to step on it, is not an honest man." Instead, they either gave their lives in a heroic sacrifice, or integrated into the honorable legions of the Political Military prisons of Cuba. Others, who were forced to leave the country, have fought without truce from the trenches of exile, without letting themselves be dazzled by the borrowed freedoms and the personal rewards offered to us by this great nation.

Our fight has not ended. It must be a collective conscience for all Cubans, inside and outside the island, as we aspire to a system of government capable of providing us the joys guaranteed and established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A government where the healing of the spiritual wounds, respect for democratic institutions, and the happiness of the Cuban family are the cornerstones of our new nation. 

December 2004


By Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez
Secretary General

The freedom of Cuba has been a long caressed dream. Our captive people has paid a high quota in sacrifices and humiliations having wronged their destiny in history, but it’s already time to make that dream come true. We all urgently need it:  Cubans agonizing inside the island and those wandering through the world, because securing the material needs while being away from our country does not mean that we have spiritual tranquility, neither peace or happiness. I hope that we have gained enough experience and will never say to a diabolic leader “this is your home,” neither we’ll applause when another Cuban is killed for the simple crime of having a different opinion. I hope that we will never accept without protest that a meager minority carries over their shoulders, together with their own load of civism, the violated decorum of those who are contented with just floating to the drift and assuming attitudes of shameful servitude or pretending to support, due to fear or vileness, the reality that they internally curse and hate. We have to erase from our minds the false conceptions of a double morality. We have to take a step forward and say: ¡NO! Your jails do not scare me anymore, your jails are not more powerful that my spirit. Because, as Jose Marti said, “liberty has a price and it’s necessary to pay that price or to resign to live without liberty”.  

Cuba will be free of Castro’s dictatorship in a not very far away future. Nobody should doubt it. The present conditions are adequate for that necessary change, without shady compromises or claudicating. We cannot, under any concept, to offer a space to the executioners of our nation. We cannot, under any circumstances, live with the assassins of thousands of victims, shamefully sharing the power of a democracy that we hope to be the fairest and most representative of Latin America. We cannot accept that someone tries to impose on us, as a starting point, the obsolete parameters of a dirty constitutional system, designed not to guarantee the fundamental liberties and a respectable justice order, but to favor in a subtle way the permanency of a government system, which is repulsive in all aspects. For that radical change, without the ballast of corrupted officials, the fighters of Alpha 66 work day by day together with the leaders of the exile and the opposition inside Cuba with awareness of homeland and of human dignity. To attain that change we work together with the journalists who are aware of their historic responsibility and have enough courage of not accepting the official censorship of the government. To attain that goal, we work very hard, without hesitation, together with the professionals and the students, the workers and the farmers; together with the army sectors that have not incurred in abominable acts of vengeance and have not bloody hands. 

There cannot be anything that compromises us more than the heroic sacrifices of our martyrs; nothing more than the memory of those heroes who emptied their veins offering their love to our country.  With those values, that are as brilliant stars and which inspire other men of noble ideals, the history always goes on; the history that is written with the heart and the most steady and transparent conscience.  That’s why we have a powerful reason that requires renewed sacrifices from us.  Today, more than ever before, we evoke those thoughts remembering our beloved friend Andrés Nazario Sargén, an undisputed and irreplaceable leader of Alpha-66, whom we left under a mantle of flowers just a few weeks ago. With sadness and profound emotion we buried his lifeless body.. And we recognized him with all the honors he deserved for his perseverance and total devotion to the cause of a free Cuba. His unquestionable honesty, next to the nobility of his soul was his best legacy; and his humility was the faithful mirror of his extraordinary human sensitivity.  He was a man who understood the urgent necessities of the poorest segments of society, who was deluded with beautiful projects of constructing hundreds of thousands of houses for the more underprivileged classes of the population, once our country was liberated.  By the respect obtained with his creative work and his great principles, without avoiding  sacrifices either on his part or by his family, he was a giant of the soul, whom we will always remember like a symbol of stoicism and abnegation. Yes, he was a giant that knew how to ascend to the height of the circumstances with his diaphanous and vital intransigence every time he had to defend his principles, his moral values, his strategy of fighting without requesting permission from anybody, which is the strategy of honor and dignity. For that reason, we will never forget him and he will always be a light that will guide us in the decisive fight for the freedom of our nation, especially to us who are part of Alpha 66, the organization that he helped to found and that he directed successfully for more than 40 years.  

The dawn is here. There is a steel rooster singing in the distance and a sad palm covered  with snow next to my window.  I think about my unfortunate Cuba and that beloved friend who smiles to us from heaven because we have kept faithful to its philosophy. I think about the moment of freedom that he deserved to enjoy, in a day of glory for the Cubans, and at the end of these reflections I cannot avoid asking myself:  What message Nazario Sargén would like to send to his captive people through these lines?... A message of faith and hope – I respond myself-, of perseverance and strength overall. Next to a combat shout.  A shout that turns in spirals through the streets, and becomes an echo in doors and windows. A shout, finally, that germinates as the good wheat in the sublime furrow of the mother land, because as he liked to repeat: Nothing is more humiliating for a human being that the thoughtless observance of measures that attempt to demolish the dignity of mankind, because it turns them into vile aggressors or enslaved poor devils to the service of the regime that despises and represses them.

October 30, 2004

By Miguel L. Talleda

For us, who lost the right to elect those that would govern our country, the close elections that are held every four years in the United States bring us mixed feelings. On the one hand we feel sad that we lost our right to vote, but on the other we feel happiness to see how this country participates in that sacred right that constitutes the difference between living in freedom and vegetating in a totalitarian regime.

And in just three days we will see whether the next president of the United States will be Senator John Kerry, whose record of aiding the communist victory in Vietnam is well known and which led to the surrender of that country to communist slavery and also to the holocaust of the Cambodian people by the tyrant Pol Pot, or whether it will be George W. Bush elected to four more years.

For those of us, whose primary objective in life is the freedom of our country enslaved by the terror claws of communism, the differences between these two leaves no doubt: we are on the side of President George W. Bush.

His strategy on the war on terror, which did not begin but had its most criminal act on September 11, 2001, has been transparent and victorious. Today the world is witnessing how the strategy to free Afghanistan and Iraq from terrorist regimes is about to triumph and bring to these two countries, NEARLY 50 MILLION PEOPLE, a life of liberty and democracy and respect for all, including women whose disgraceful state was at the mercy of the savages that ruled by terror.

President Bush, who is an unwavering enemy of the governments where terror is the mean used to subjugate its people, has declared that he will fight until freedom is brought to those oppressive regimes. Based on this premise, we free Cubans, seeing how the tyrant's claws enslaves our own people and how it's helping to do the same to the Venezuelan people, declare clearly and without doubt that we are totally on the side of President Bush.

We are confident in the sagacity of the American people to see through the campaign lies and to use the powerful right to vote and choose President George W. Bush, a true standard-bearer, who truly represents the words in our national anthem "the land of the free and the home of the brave".

Miami, October 11, 2004


During an extraordinary meeting that took place yesterday, October 10, 2004, in the city of Miami, regarding the death of Andrés Nazario Sargén, Secretary General of our organization, the following was agreed, by unanimous vote:

1.. To continue the vigorous defense of our principles of liberty, dignity and justice that had inspired us in our struggle for freedom since the foundation of ALPHA 66.

2.. To appoint Osiel González, long-time and prestigious member of this organization since its foundation in 1962, for the position of Vice-Secretary General, responsibility that he will immediately assume on this date. 

3.. To transfer the position of Secretary General to Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, former political prisoner and also founding member of ALPHA 66.

The legacy of humility, patriotism and honesty left by our irreplaceable leader Andrés Nazario Sargén, together with the moral commitment, the respect and admiration deserved by each of our martyrs, who devoted the best of their lives to the cause of a free Cuba, will continue to guide the noble fight of ALPHA 66, utilizing to attain the freedom of our beloved homeland all the combat strategies that the leaders of our organization consider honorable, necessary and appropriate.


Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez
Secretary General

Osiel González 
Vice-Secretary General 

August 2004

Believing it
PRIVATE necessary that we all know who is this gratuitous enemy that spreads hate against the Cubans, we bring to our web page this illuminating article by Armando Gonzalez. –Alpha 66 

By Armando Gonzalez 

Choosing the topic of his next column can become an interesting dilemma for a journalist given the many options available. That was the case with me this week until film producer and writer Michael Moore facilitated my decision with his recent commentaries on his website about the Cuban exiles. 

It is not necessary to revert to rhetorical ideology or philosophical posturing. Mr. Moore in his own words has simplified our work when he asserted: “It’s from there (Miami) that a bunch of crazy Cuban exiles has controlled the foreign policy of the United States toward that insignificant insular nation.” “These Cubans,” Moore continues, “many of them acolytes of Batista that used to live the good life while that gang devastated the country, appeared not to have closed an eye since they took their money and went to Florida.” 

So we are “crazy.” And we come from an “insignificant insular nation.” Of course what Mr. Moore is incapable of understanding is that this “insignificant insular nation” is our homeland, and our “craziness” is the highest patriotic testament of our infinite love for it. A love that has held firm for a free Cuba during 45 years of exile, and that will last beyond the day Mr. Moore disappears from the scene to become part of the intellectual excrement where these improvised ideologues end.  And Moore continues: “And since 1960, (the Cubans) have insisted in infecting us with their craziness. One of the high rewards that we received from our investing in these Cuban exiles was the help we got in introducing illegal drugs to the United States, destroying families and entire neighborhoods in our cities.” 

Any honest observer, well-informed and especially well intended, would never have characterized the Cuban exiles as involved in the drug traffic. The stain caused by some of the exiles, pales in comparison to the unprecedented example of the most successful exile community in the history of the United States. And whoever looks for an ethnic angle to the drug traffic would not include the Cuban exiles, although some unfortunate exceptions would be accepted.  

Moore is not afraid to make these anti Cuban statements: “Why am I not worried? Because for all their chest-thumping and terrorism, they are really just a bunch of wimps. That’s right. Wimps! When you don’t like the oppressor in your country, you stay there and try to overthrow him. You don’t put your tail between your legs and run like these Cubans.” 

It’s good that Moore has the opportunity to express his enormous ignorance and lack of historical perspective. What would the thousands of ex political prisoners say about these comments? How about the honorable members of the veterans 2506 Brigade? And the sacred memory of those who gave their life fighting the Communist regime?|

Finally, what do we make of these barbaric insults by someone who has become a prominent figure in the Democratic Party in this presidential campaign? 

To begin with, we Cuban exiles should not, must not, accept simple excuses or explanations. We must demand specific actions. How can they explain this affront to our honor as exiles to those who will knock on our doors asking for our vote for their candidate? Moreover, what will those Cuban exiles think who, honestly I am sure, help and work for the same candidates as Michael Moore? 

We can not accept any excuse! And we should state very clearly to the two members of the presidential democratic ticket that only the expulsion of Michael Moore of everything that concerns their campaign, will help to mitigate the enormous wound this arrogant imbecile has opened in the heart of the Cuban exile community.  

Let them not think that time will heal that wound. And these two candidates can be sure that we will hold them accountable … them, as well as their campaign workers in South Florida if they try to pull the wool over our eyes and ignore our collective anger. 

Those that have ears to hear should hear. 

(Article published by NetforCuba International – Translation by our staff)

June 2004

Food For thought on this Memorial Day.

      Dear Friends,

      Here we are commemorating another Memorial Day. The United States of America, the bastion of world democracy, takes time every year to render tribute to its unmatched independence and the men and women that have given the ultimate sacrifice to maintain the freedom and rights we all dearly cherish. On this, the ultimate date of remembrance of it heroes, we in the Cuban American community, a community that has become an integral part of the American tapestry, stand and salute the nation that has given us shelter and succor in our long denied quest for freedom, and those that have died to bring it about.

      The United States of America, my country of birth which I cherish and would stand ready to defend, has for years held an embargo against the country of my ancestors and the land which I too consider to be home... Cuba. This embargo has helped keep the Castrist government, a dictatorship of the most vile nature, from proliferating throughout this hemisphere at a greater rate than if we had no embargo at all. But is it enough?

      There are some that look towards the U.S. as the means for the liberation of our island nation, but in reality many of us in the Cuban American community know that the freedom of our country falls to us to achieve. Yet we are shackled by an agreement between this country and the now defunct Soviet Union. An agreement signed by the Kennedy Administration that obligates them to intercede in the fight for the liberation of the very nation they enforce an embargo against.

      Our freedom fighters are intercepted, our anti-castrist organizations are foiled at every turn in their fight for the freedom of our native soil. We are constantly subject to arrests and interdiction for simply wanting to, in our way, give the people of the island nation that lies a mere 90 miles away the same rights and freedoms they, the U.S. themselves enjoy.

      Why does the United States still enforce an agreement with a nation that no longer exists? Why are our brave and selfless fighters, that very well resemble those that we honor on this day, treated like criminals for wanting to do the exact same thing that today's honorees have done.... fight for the freedom of their country?

      Many liberals in Congress want to re-evaluate this country's commitment to the embargo. They would like an end to, what they consider, an outdated notion. I submit that they should be considering ending an outdated treaty with a non-existent country that has tied the hands of the Cuban American community for the past 4 decades.

      Call and write your legislators and representatives and ask them to do away with a treaty that keeps the Castrist dictatorship, a dictatorship dedicated to the downfall of this very country, a country that gives safe haven and succor to terrorists, in power. Lets put an end to a treaty signed with a country that fell over a decade ago, yet continues to dictate U.S. foreign policy. We are not asking for American lives to be put on the line. We are not asking for money to fund our freedom. We are not asking for Uncle Sam to intercede in what are clearly Cuban national affairs.

      What we are seeking is the freedom to fight for the liberty of our bretheren on the island. What we are asking is for the same opportunity that the founding fathers of this nation had to seek their freedom from their English overlords. What we are asking is to allow the Cubans that are on U.S. soil to participate in shaping the future of their own country.

      Food for thought on this Memorial Day.

      Jose "Alex" Ybarra

March 2004


By Miguel L. Talleda

We don't think it's necessary to give a history of the complicity of the Castro government with international terrorism. Anyone who is keeping a record of world events has a file describing the activities of these international evildoers, who using our island as a launching pad, are plotting the destruction of the United States and of our freedoms. 

Hate is a powerful weapon and is easy to sow by perverse minds like Castro's and his evil cronies who use it incessantly against this country. They have no limits. One such case is described in the book "Honor Bound" by Stuart I. Rochester and Frederick Kiley, when they write of a group of Cuban agents sent to Vietnam "to show the north Vietnamese how to torture American prisoners of war." The regime's machination to sow hate was perfected as a destructive force during the Tri-Continental Conference held in Havana in 1966 and has been relentless ever since. Today the Castro government is reaping the fruit of its labor.  All those that were indoctrinated in camps in Cuba are today working to destabilize Latin American. After being responsible for much of the bloodshed in this continent, many of them are now holding positions of power in Latin American governments--as is evidenced by the Montoneros in Argentina. 

On the other hand, there is ample evidence to probe that Castro will not even hear of any change that will release the Cuban people of the ferocious terrorizing system he has imposed upon them. For us Cubans, who has been immersed in the teachings of our national hero Jose Marti, is plainly clear that we have to exercise our duty to fight against this monster. This is why Alpha 66 training occurs at our camp "Rumbo Sur." We have to be able, as we tried in the past, to effectively show the terrorized Cubans in the island, that instead of taking the risk of leaving Cuba in raft and being the pray of sharks in the Caribbean waters, it is time to fight back to eliminate the tyranny, and that we will be at their side in the island, in full military uniforms, as were our heroes Vicente Mendez and Rodriguez Perez in 1970. 

But there is one problem. The U.S. Coast Guard has been persecuting us, in many cases in international waters, and confiscating our weapons, boats and supplies. These actions are based on laws not intended for that purpose (ie. The Neutrality Law), or "laws" that were never laws, such as the supposed "Kennedy-Krushev" accord to keep "hands off Castro", while actually ignoring the only law, Law 87-733, that guarantees us Cubans the right to fight for the liberation of our country-a law approved by the joint session of Congress and signed by President Kennedy, on October 2, 1962. In practice what all this amounts to, is that the persecution of our Freedom Fighters clearly shows that Fidel Castro and his communist tyranny are in fact enjoying the protection of the American government.

This nation has had ten presidents since the tyrant took over Cuba. They have all condemned the atrocities of the tyranny but have not taken the definite step needed: to let us prove that we can liberate Cuba. The current president, the Honorable George W. Bush, has the opportunity to be different from the rest. His courage is surprising the entire world. We are in the dawn of seeing more than fifty million people recuperate their freedom. Yet, we are faced with the unavoidably sad news that just as Afghanistan and Iraq are being liberated, 18 million Venezuelans have been taken in slavery because Castro has used his U.S. protection to go one step beyond the limits of the island.

These questions need to be answered. Are we free Cubans, less worthy that the Afghans fighting in the mountains against the Taliban?  Are we more inconsequential than the Kurdish enemies of Saddam Hussein? All of them were given arms to combat their dictators. If all we are asking is not to be persecuted in our efforts to liberate our homeland, then why are we being denied this right? Is there a difference between Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro in their hatred toward Americans?

It is time to put and end to this absurd and incongruent historical mistake.

October 2003



On this very date, October 10th, when we celebrate an inspiring event in our history, it surprises us that the White House decided to hold an event on behalf of the American government and President George W. Bush to honor us Cubans.  It surprised us because it had always been May 20th the designated date to honor the heroic struggle of the Cuban people to become a free nation.


But we feel encouraged because October 10th is a definitive date.  A date when a conclusion was reached that there could not be an agreement with Spain.  If we wanted a free nation, it was necessary to fight.  And it was this date that gave birth to the concept that war was the only way to free Cuba from colonial rule and establish a free nation.  If this is the thinking of the President and his advisors, we welcome it.


We in Alpha 66 believe that President Bush, to the pride of this country, has already secured his place in history as a liberator.  His actions resulted in removing the Al-Qaeda terrorists to free the people of Afghanistan as well as removing the humiliating rule Sadam Hussein had on the Iraqi people.  We have never asked him to liberate our own people.  We have, however, made it known to him in writing, and personally through emissaries, that we want him to respect our right to fight with arms for the freedom of our people.


We should not be witnessing again the persecution of our men in the high seas, not by forces from Castro’s tyranny, but by forces of the free world, especially the American government.  It is time to put an end to previous actions when boats, arms, and other equipment were confiscated, forgetting that we are a liberating force that will not rest until we see Cuba free and a democratic government heading a new republic.


The people of Cuba are ready to rise against the infamous communist system of Fidel Castro.  They only need a spark to light the courage necessary to change from slaves to free men and women.  Our history has shown that Alpha 66 is that spark and we are ready to demonstrate it.  As we have said, any other plan is welcomed but nothing will substitute the obligation of the Cubans in exile to liberate our Cuba.



Miguel L. Talleda                                                                      Andrés Nazario Sargén

Coordinator in California                                                           Secretary General Alpha 66

(310) 324-8778                                                                      (305) 541-5433 

P.O..Box 6434                                                                         P.O. Box 420067

Torrance, Ca. 90504                                                                Miami, Fla. 33142

May 2003

By Miguel L. Talleda

 What we have witnessed lately is that the enemy has to be hit hard and on the head.  Al Qaeda made a big mistake with its terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  Just like it happened after Pearl Harbor in 1941, a giant was awakened.

 The result is that in less than two years two countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, with a population of close to 40 million people are facing a future that for the first time includes freedom.  Sure we had to distance ourselves from the spineless and putrid United Nations.  An organization where representatives from the most repressive and brutal dictatorships in the world pat themselves on the back making impossible the attainment of any dignified agreement.

 The coalition of the United States, Britain, and countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, countries that truly appreciate liberty because they have lived the Communist tyranny, have given the world an example of the road to be followed in this new century.

 But isn't the tactic used by President Bush in Iraq the same that Alpha 66 has been proclaiming with respect to Cuba?  Why are we Cubans denied the right to do with Castro what has been done with Sadam?  Could it be that some believe that Castro is less evil than Sadam?  When the truth of the atrocities committed during these last 44 years finally comes to light, the free world will have to hide in shame for having permitted such cruelty.

 We hope that Castro's record of complicity and support for terrorist groups throughout the world is not swept under the rug.  Just this week the State Department declared that Iran has the strongest links with terrorism of any other country in the world.  This reminds us that not too long ago it was Castro that told an audience of students at the University of Teheran that Iran and Cuba would bring the United States to its knees.

 The goal for all of us that struggle to see Cuba free should be to convince everyone that this new century ought to be the century for freedom and that the next step should be to once and for all rid our homeland of the nauseating stench of the tyrant Fidel Castro.

April 2003

By Miguel L. Talleda

 This month marks 33 years that Vicente Mendez and his men landed in Cuba in full uniform and with the insignias of the organization ALPHA 66 and their corresponding military grade.  They were not terrorists as the Castro tyranny has labeled them.  They were freedom fighters for our homeland.  It was April 17, 1970. 

They were only 13  in that expedition, but not because there was a lack of men willing to confront the forces of the tyranny. It was because in the richest exile in the world we were unable to secure the funding necessary for a larger force.  But Vicente Mendez was very clear during a rally in Los Angeles at the Embassy Auditorium when he said, "We aspire, and if I tell you otherwise I would be lying, we aspire to land with 500 men if possible.  But this is not a plan for 500, or 300, or 200, or 50, or 20 men…but if the exile does not respond with the funds and we have to take 50 instead of 100, what can we do?…It doesn't matter, we will land no matter what because this is a plan that was outlined to be carried out regardless".*

And like 13 giants they faced a force of 50,000 militias sent by the tyranny to Oriente Province to pursue them.  That marked their entry through the large door of history, leaving a stellar legacy that was followed by other groups from ALPHA 66. 

We remember these happenings because a long time has passed but the circumstances have not changed.  The tyrant continues to oppress our people and the exile continues to shamelessly look for foreign solutions to liberate our homeland and our enslaved people. 

There also has not been any change in the thinking of those, who like ALPHA 66, have said that only through our own efforts can we put an end to the horrendous situation that is Cuba today. 

The quick war we just witnessed in Iraq has moved the entire world.  We are facing different circumstances.  A different kind of men is leading the free world today.  President George W. Bush as well as British Prime Minister Tony Blair demonstrated how to break through a cowardly world. They have demonstrated how to destroy and bring to light the horrors of an evil tyrant.  This is our opportunity.  Not to ask to liberate us from Fidel Castro who is a twin of Saddam Hussein, but to let them know that we Cubans have a right to fight for our homeland.  We ask that they suspend the protection enjoyed by the tyrant, a protection that has slowly allowed Castro to become a protectorate of the American government. 

The evil Fidel Castro can no longer fool anyone.  The entire world has been horrified in the face of his latest crimes.  To give him any support, no matter how small, so he can continue his horrendous task is also a crime. 

*A full account of the landing of Vicente Mendez can be found in the book, "ALPHA 66 Y SU HISTORICA TAREA".

April 2003

 By Miguel L. Talleda

 There are three reasons why we, the Cubans in exile,  feel as if this war for the liberation of Irak and  freedom from the tyranny of Sadam Hussein, is our very  own war.  First, it is to be in solidarity with the  majority of the American people and their President,  George W. Bush, who courageously confronts the threat  presented by a scrupulous, virtually proven terrorist  regime, and sworn enemy of this great nation.  Second,  it is to support the Armed Forces, which includes,  amongst its members, many of our own brothers and  sisters--an Armed Forces traditionally known for its  track record as liberators, rather than conquerors.  Third, and lastly, it is for the gratitude we feel for  the opportunity to have been welcomed with open arms  in our darkest moment.  To turn our backs on the  efforts of those who only wish to free the world of a  decaying regime, led by a diabolical mind, denotes a  lack of character bordering on betrayal.

 But there is something else.  We are here in the  United States because we have known, in flesh and  blood, who the enemy is, and we are certain that the  reasons put forth by the American government and its  allies-- specifically, England and Spain, are sustained  in truth. To sit and wait for  economic strength to  convert Sadam Hussein into a worse danger, capable of  assisting in the repeat of another sabotage, like the  one committed upon the Twin Towers and the Pentagon,  is to toy with far too dangerous an element.

 Destiny has transformed us into a definitive force, next to the fighters for the liberation of peoples.  The same today, along side a Republican president, as  in the 70s, with then Democratic President, Lyndon B. Johnson, and the war in Vietnam.  We have always been  against those forces of evil that enslave people, and  out of envy, teaches them to hate the United States.

 For these reasons, the members of Alpha 66, along with  the rest of the Cubans, Americans, and other  nationalities, stand shoulder to shoulder in whatever  demonstrations are organized around the country in support of the Allied Forces, who fight and sacrifice themselves for the freedom of the people of Irak.

 Our faith is unyielding.  One day, we shall also be  the liberators of our own people.

March 2003

By Miguel L. Talleda 

In masterly form in his article, "Brief Comments About the Future of Cuba", Andres Nazario sketches in a few words what our presence represents in this unprecedented struggle to see Cuba free. A simple program outlines our thinking.  The spirit that has moved Alpha 66 throughout its historical journey is reflected in three fundamental points. 

Andres Nazario has penetrated the thought of the Apostle and has never wavered from the central theme that guided José Martí.  This central theme was none other than to put forth the only valid objective in liberating our homeland from the oppression of colonialism when we had the right to become a nation.  Andres summarized these three principles as follows: (1) Total liquidation of the tyranny. (2) Total elimination of the misery. (3) An absolute end to corruption in the entire country. 

The first principle, "total liquidation of the tyranny" does not represent revenge as many people want to believe.  It is a sentiment of justice.  Justice is what we owe our martyrs that lost their lives because of this group of bandits that has trampled an entire people with the insanity of savages. 

How can someone believe that in order to end the most brutal tyranny this continent has seen we have to embrace the oppressors of our country?  We in Alpha 66 have no feelings of getting even against anyone, but we also don't have the stomach to have to share with scums a future that logically no longer belongs to them. 

If the Alarcons, Lages, Perez Roques, and other bandits and accomplices of the madness of the Castro brothers, perpetrators of the hunger and misery suffered by our people, pretend they can be part of a future in which there is no room for them, they ignore the verdict of history in these cases. 

Those that pretend to engage in dealings with the criminals want us to believe that maintaining a hard line of total victory against the tyranny is now an incongruity and label us obstinate, ignorant, and deluded. But don't they realize that the regime of terror is in a state of total decay and cannot help but fall? 

We shall intensify the pressure, be present, and be prepared with the banner of victory.  Be present next to those on the island that struggle with the same certainty: the absolute freedom for our homeland. 

In the next articles we will examine the second and third principle outlined by Andres Nazario.

February 2003

By Miguel L. Talleda 

The realities that have come to light regarding the Varela Project as a result of Oswaldo Paya's trip to accept the Sakharov Prize leave no doubt that the project represents absolutely nothing in the context of returning freedom to Cuba.  One thing that is clear is its pretension to ignore those in exile that have tirelessly struggled for 44 years to see Cuba free, truly free. 

Paya's declaration in Mexico that the Historical Exile is only radical when creating an uproar, an offense, or a threat is a reaction to the fact that we will not swallow the pill he has presented.  It appears that his mind has been saturated with the campaign and the hate that the Communist system has used against those of us that will never renounce the only solution for the Cuban people to achieve their freedom. That solution is to DEFEAT THE TYRANNY and not negotiate with its cowardly supporters. 

The fact that we in exile cannot create an army that can compete with that of the dictatorship because we need to abide by the laws of the country that has given us refuge does not mean we are not engaged in a fight until the end.  We are engaged in an irregular war that has been an undisputed factor in the fact that the regime is on the verge of a total collapse. 

The Cubans struggling in and out of Cuba have not achieved victory yet, but neither have we admitted defeat. This is something that should make us all very proud.  We are facing the final battle.  The enemy trembles because there is no alternative to its downfall.  In the words of Celedonio Gonzalez, a columnist for La Nueva Cuba, the tyrant is merely "a pre-cadaverous  mummy  roaming around with the permission of its grave digger". 

So what's left?  A train of followers that has always trembled in the presence of the dictator and has never had the courage to question him. Also a group of unworthy generals that will not refute  orders given by the drunk Raul Castro.  Could there be a more pathetic military scene in the world than to see a group of twenty generals condemn one of their own to the firing squad like they did with General Ochoa without raising a voice of protest? 

Now the countries of Europe in an effort to salvage their businesses and properties after supporting the Communist regime for so long praise the Varela Project and its promoter.  They are hoping that after the death of the dictator they will be able to continue with their acquisitions, with their abuse and violations of Cuban women, and with their continued exploitation of Cuban workers. This is the reality today.  But there are forces inside Cuba that will not fall for this trap.  It is with these forces that Alpha 66 will be united at the final moment of victory. 

There are countless examples throughout history that show us the way.  During World War II Hitler was conquering Europe.  He had occupied several countries, including France.  He attacked England.  He almost completely destroyed the city of Coventry with his fierce bombing and threatened to "coventrize" the rest of England, including London.  The death toll was in the thousands and the destruction unmeasurable.  Some approached Winston Churchill and told him he had to negotiate with Hitler to stop the bombing.  It appeared that England could not win this battle.  But Churchill refused to negotiate with the invaders.  To negotiate with criminals was immoral.   

There is a point that we Cubans have reached and that not every one understands, and that is, that it is immoral and pernicious to embrace the Mafia that has destroyed our homeland.

September 2001

By Miguel L. Talleda 

In view of  the criminal terrorists attacks of September 11, that destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center In New York and part of the Pentagon in Washington, we see that the horror generated by such tragedy, where so many innocent people have paid with their lives, has no parallel in human history.  The indignation of these attacks has not only been felt in the United States, but also in the entire civilized world.  They are proof of the hate that certain sick segments of humanity feel toward this country, because it is a universal symbol of freedom, a country that has known how to create a system with faith in God, that can bring happiness to a people and can influence the rest of the world, so that everyone can enjoy the same way of life. 

But where does this hate which has been building for some time and materialized in the terrible events of last Tuesday come from? There will surely be many opinions on the origins of this kind of vile, that tries to destroy nations that have overcome adversity and triumphed with effort and intelligence, to serve their people, not to do evil, but to bring happiness to all. 

In my view, the origin of this hate in our modern age begins after the Allies triumphed over Nazism and Fascism and the countries of Eastern Europe, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia , Romania, etc., having been liberated from Hitler were forced into a new slavery under Communism. The iron curtain, as Winston Churchill called it, fell on these people and their right to freedom was totally and completely denied. 

Fifteen years passed until the rise to power of Fidel Castro in Cuba consummated an alliance with the Soviet Union, which gave this latter the possibility of widening its job of converting the world to the brutal and enslaving system of Communism.  As part of this union of hate, where the United States was “the enemy,” the “Tricontinental Conference” was held in Havana, on January 3-16, 1966, at the confiscated Havana-Hilton Hotel.*  This conference included delegates from Russia and China and openly declared war on “American imperialism”. 

Cuba quickly became a training camp for terrorists and guerrillas, that bloodied the entire American continent from one end to the other.  The peoples of Argentina, Uruguay, and Central America suffered most from the accords taken at the Tricontinental Conference, since they were immediately subjected to attempts to forcefully communize them.   Even today, the head of the Colombian guerrillas, Manuel Marulanda, known as “tiro fijo,” a product of the Tricontinental, is fighting to destroy the freedoms of that country. 

In Africa the terrorists trained in Cuba, following the accords of the Tricontinental, were no different. Entire people were subjected by fire and blood to a war, not of their making, that tried to enslave them under Communism.  Ethiopia, Somalia, the Congo, Angola, and many other countries suffered the ferocious cruelty of these evil doers.  And the people of Cuba saw how their young men were sent as mercenaries to Africa to serve the interest of Russia. 

The third part of the world that gave the Tricontinental Conference its name was Asia.  Here too the flames of hate were fanned and terrorists came to Cuba to train laying the seeds of the alliance between Fidel Castro and the worse dictators of the Middle East.  Their purpose was to destroy the American nation and all of the free world. That is why we are not surprised when the U.S. State Department has on its list of terrorist countries, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Syria, North Korea and Cuba. 

The new generations have not heard about the Tricontinental Conference of 1966 held in Havana and others have forgotten.  But the wicked brain that created this evil and sowed the seeds of hate is still in power trampling our people. 

Just as it is necessary when eradicating plagues of mosquitoes to eradicate the swamps, where they breed, so too in addition to bringing to justice the perpetrators of these unspeakable acts in New York and Washington, we must eradicate the swamps where hate is bred and where terrorists are made. If we fail to do this, unfortunately the hate against this great nation will once again bear fruit. *

"Alpha 66 y Su Histórica Tarea”, pages 49-50

June 2001

By Máximo A. Gómez 

Ask the great majority of Cubans if they love their island home and they will answer first that the question is an understatement.  They will then recount the sad tales of their experiences with the efficiency of poets, speaking of a love that has no comparison, intertwined with short stories of their daily lives on the island, of their past and future hopes.  Cubans are unique among the inhabitants of other Latin American countries.  The characteristics which set us apart are, among others, courage and daring, optimism, idealism, a progressive vision, business savvy and most important of all, an unending supply of happiness, coupled with the ability to laugh at ourselves. 

In the celebration of some festive event as well as in some terrible politically charged struggle, we are a passionate people and during moments of crisis and great sadness there is a sudden bond and empowerment that overtakes us without the necessity of too much exterior influence or exhortation.  When others attack us, we form a nucleus for the confrontation, whose tremors can be felt in some of this country's most prestigious political control centers.  In spite of the fact that we may often come out of the fight wounded, bleeding and losing the ideological struggle, our worse detractors still feel the sting of our punishment and knowing full well that the determination of the Cuban exiled community is without equal.  Nonetheless, something exists within us that hampers the continual and total unity of the exiled community in the United States and as a result, the struggle against Castro-Communism is forever stifled and exhausted. 

That particular idiosyncrasy, that contradiction that wars against the love it professes, which has formed part of our lives throughout the four decades of our time here, is the inability to put aside the old ideological and political differences we sustained before the revolution.  That is the partisan politics between Batista, Authentic and Orthodoxy loyalists, among others.  Naively, we try to satisfy the frustration we feel over the origins of Socialism and Communism in Cuba, pointing the finger and blaming each other, while friends, family and patriots are consumed in the sickening detritus of Castro's regime.  The irony of it is that all of us, Batistians, Authentics, Orthodox, etc., are now together in exiled, still bickering about things that forty years later should make no difference.  We have all been ousted from our homes and our country and the only one left laughing is Fidel Castro himself.  All of us, all of us for one simple reason, the unacceptable ideology of the communist regime on our beloved island.  We preferred to impose exile on ourselves rather than live in the repression and enslavement of a despot with no soul and no heart. Now we find ourselves living in an exiled limbo that every day becomes more and more unbearable, because of the assaults and lies fired against us by the news media and the willfully ignorant American public, that readily believes everything they read.  As depressed as we sometimes might feel, because of those assaults however, we should start investing more time considering that our enemies will someday have to swallow their words and give us an accounting of their actions.  It is because of that, my friends and brothers, that we should first of all forget about the errors of the past and with that issue behind us, look toward the future and dedicate ourselves irrevocably to the unity of all Cuban-Americans living in the United States.  United, not only in the military ranks of Alpha 66, but also in the development of the Internet, in order to subvert Castro's command and control apparatus. 

Some will probably say that the battle for Cuba's liberation is in the hands of more powerful nations and that we have no part in anything related to the future of our country.  Others compare the irregular military activities of Alpha 66 against Cuban military installations, to the sting of a wasp on the hardened exterior of a bull elephant.  I can only respond with the anecdote of the child that was firing his rifle at the moon.  While observers pointed out that he would never reach his target, the child was only heard to say, "I may never reach the moon but I'm closer than you are".  It is not for us to lose our enthusiasm, but rather to dedicate ourselves with heartfelt duty and agony to the battle for Cuba's freedom. 

During my Basic Training in the United States Army, there were many times when I doubted the legitimacy of some of the orders I was given. After two months of rigorous training, I graduated with new confidence, awed by the things I had learned and all that my body could now endure. I was a new man and at that moment I realized that all of the orders I had been given during my training, that sometimes appeared ridiculous, were used to get me accustomed to following orders unquestioningly.  That type of blind obedience could one day save my life and could also help me to save the life of one of my fellow soldiers.  With this example I just wanted to point out that we as Cubans have no other duty than to throw off the past and unite ourselves obediently to the only destiny which God has before us, which is  the liberation of the Fatherland and the vindication of a suffering people. 

As an exile myself, I am of the belief that in the next ten or fifteen years we shall be witnesses to great and important changes in our Caribbean island home and we are obligated to take advantage and prepare ourselves for this propitious moment.  With our souls, bodies, blood and sacrifices we should be ready to challenge the diabolical system of the beast once and for all.  Some of us live in this world, terrorized continually by the inevitable prospect of our deaths.  With great conviction, I can say that in this life there are many things that are to be feared more than death and one of those things is to live with the regret of having had the opportunity of doing something honorable during the uprising and not doing anything because of foolish pride or cowardice. 

Like the disciple of the lord of darkness that he is, Fidel Castro has used those things that divide us very efficiently, in order to keep us isolated and impotent.  This is the time to use the same tactics against him.  Imagine the great problems we could bring upon him if,  instead of complaining and pointing the finger at each other, we would form a strong front and dedicated time and money to running him out of the island in shame.  Without doubt, a strong and united Cuban-American community would quicken his departure and that of the people that have followed him to the perdition of their own souls.  The decision lays squarely on all of our shoulders.  How long will we stand with our arms crossed and on the periphery of our patriotic duty?  Now is the time to answer the call of our destiny, which across the ages has distinguished dozens of Cuban heroes.  Men that even today inspire us by their valor, selfless service, convictions and principles.  We should not allow their deaths for the liberty of our country to be in vain.  Where there is love for the Fatherland, the contradiction of inaction has no right to exist.  Love demands action.  It asks for action to manifest itself once and for all and that is what I ask from all of you.  Let us act decisively for the good of our country and our people. 

In closing, I would like to quote two very well known people of history.  One was the leader of the Civil Rights movement in America and the other a fictitious character whose words still ring true: 

"We shall not remember the actions of our enemies, but the inactions of our friends." Martin Luther King Jr. 

"Fight and you may die.  Run and you'll live, at least a while.  And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that for just one chance, one chance, to tell our enemies-That they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!" William Wallace Braveheart.


Octubre 30, 2000 

By Miguel L. Talleda 

Since its inception, the chief objective of our organization, Alpha 66, has been to devote all our efforts to the liberation of our homeland from communist slavery. As such, we have always abstained from the political process of this great country, where we live and to which we are forever indebted for taking us in during our sad moment in history. 

Even as our organization maintains this posture, however, our members have the right, indeed the duty, to exercise their role as citizens of this great country, beacon of liberty in the world, and participate in the election of those who will govern. To exercise this right, the bedrock of democracy, which we lost in Cuba and led to our exile, should be sacred. 

But don’t let it be said that because Alpha 66 as a patriotic organization fighting for the liberty of Cuba wishes to remain politically independent, that it is not interested in the electoral process of the United States. On the contrary, the election of those who govern us is of vital importance for us Cubans, so we may be able to see once and for all a liberated Cuba. The United States, which today represents the most powerful state in this planet, should have the moral force to combat and not succumb to the black mail of sinister elements, such as the Castro-Communism we have in our country. This is one of the situations that can be made better or worse when a new president is elected on November 7. 

This is not to say that we expect American forces to liberate Cuba from the Communist terror that has taken hold there. We have always maintained that the freedom of Cuba must be the work of Cubans, the ones left on the island and the ones that went into exile. But the character and actions of our elected officials can be a determining factor for us Cubans in whether, together with the pressures inside the island, we can carry out the final and total liberation of our homeland. It is not the same to have as a president of the United States someone who understand the danger posed by the enemies of this country, and who will act like President Reagan did during the fall of the Berlin Wall and who courageously and without wavering faced the Communist danger in Grenada, than to have a president who doesn’t understand that no accord can ever be reached with Fidel Castro. There can never be an accord, because the hate and jealousy that Castro has toward this great country represents a totally opposite view of what this country is all about. 

Alpha 66 only asks of the administration that will be elected November 7 that it does not persecute us. That it allows us to exercise our right as freedom fighters for Cuba’s liberation. That it never forget that in Cuba there is a people dying of hunger, suffering misery and repression, and not because of an embargo, but because of the bloody boot of a psychopath who pretends to raise communism from its deadly ruins. 

We pray that God will bless this great land and its election, so that we can all move forward as light and beacon for our complicated world.

September 2000

By Miguel L. Talleda

This week we see again the contrast between two characters that have come face to face throughout humanity since the beginning of time. On the one hand we see evil represented by the followers of Satan which in our times is the doctrine of communist terror, face to face with the wise legacy of freedom and happiness left to us by our apostle José Martí.

Since the end of the 1960’s followers of the Cuban drama as well as the press began to contrast the tyrannical government of Fidel Castro with the figure of Andrés Nazario Sargén, great freedom fighter and mentor of the heroic actions of Alpha 66. The landings, the commando raids and other acts carried out by those inside the island who followed the doctrine of Alpha 66, were enough to put face to face these two diametrically opposed points of view. It’s been 30 years since this image of confrontation was created and nothing and no one has been able to change it.

And so it is. On the one hand, Fidel Castro, the one most responsible for the crime and misery that our homeland continues to suffer has arrived this week with the same shamelessness that has been one of his main characteristics to speak at the United Nations in the so-called "Millenium Conference". As is expected he will be given a hypocritical welcome by leaders of free countries but he will receive a different welcome by Cuban protestors in the streets of New York.

The people who love freedom have no choice but to feel revolted by the presence of this emissary of Satan. Even before he arrived, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani publicly labeled him an infamous murderer. At a press conference the Mayor said "If you all want me to make clear that Fidel Castro is a murder, I will make it clear that he is a murderer...Americans should not be fooled since we are dealing with a dictator". Giuliani further called the Cuban leader "infamous and a terrible human being."

And while New Yorkers have had to welcome real heads of states, with some exceptions like the wicked one that has brought communist terror upon our people, in Los Angeles the men and women who have dedicated their lives in exile toward the freedom of our homeland welcome the visit of our Secretary General, Andrés Nazario Sargén. Andrés is in Los Angeles to give a deposition in the lawsuit filed by the friends of Communist Cuba, Pastors for Peace, against Alpha 66. Andrés comes with the same faith and assurances in the success that will lead to the freedom of our homeland. His thinking throughout the years has been clear and decisive. Read what Andrés says to Guillermo Suñe in a letter dated April, 1973:

"It is for certain that Alpha 66 is the suitable instrument for Cuba’s liberation. It is no coincidence; we have worked better than the rest and have an adequate strategy. The determining factors are leaning in our favor. We have been successful in planting in every Cuban soul the essence of our struggle, faith, and the consciousness of victory. These are no easy things to create, but once they are formed in the minds and hearts of the masses, they cannot be destroyed. We are legends, vibrations of emotions, we are the feelings of a people that no one is able to touch but which beats and stimulates hope". (Page 213 in the book, ALPHA 66 Y SU HISTORICA TAREA).

This has been the confrontation always; Castro’s Communism with its regime of terror and facing it, the actions and doctrine of Alpha 66 under the leadership of our Secretary General.

July 2000

By Miguel L. Talleda

During the last decade of the 20th Century, America was captivated by a TV program called “The X Files,” an interesting series depicting a different mistery in every show. Sometimes it focused on unsolved crimes, on supernatural phenomena, or alien sightings and abductions. Things that by their own cruel, mysterious and horrific nature would send chills down your spine and sometimes make it difficult to get to sleep at night.

This makes me think of the need that we Cubans have of opening our very own “X Files,” our archives. The one we carry within ourselves having been witnesses to the most criminal, horrible and sadistic of acts that have occurred in these last 40 years of communist oppression in our native soil. Yes, much has been written in articles and books and we have explained  much on television and radio. But his apparently has not been enough and we see the ignorance that exists and which our enemies use to hide behind, as if they were harmless lambs in need of help, instead of being judged for the wrong they have committed.

Cuban exiles just recently gathered to remember the victims of one of the most tragic and infamous events in the history of our nation, the sinking in July 1994 of the tugboat “13 de Marzo,” by forces of the Cuban Communism regime. Forty-one people, including 21 children, were mercilessly massacred in this cowardly act by the Castro government.

With cold-hearted efficiency for murder, under the direct supervision of Fidel Castro, the tyranny’s agenda over the last 40 years has been covered with the blood of our brothers and sisters, victims of the cruelty of the regime. Unfortunately, many people including young Cubans, remember little, if at all, these bloody events that have taken place in our country. We have to let the world know about all these tragedies. Who remember the story of the student leader Pedro Luis Boitel, who was left to die in prison without medical attention? How many know the heroic story of Plinio Prieto, Sinesio Walsh and Porfirio Ramirez, who were cowardly assassinated at a farm called La Campana? Who has heard of the death in La Cabana of Commander William Morgan, who Castro himself forced to kneel and ask for pardon before being shot to death?

The history of the crimes of the Castro tyranny need to be publicized over and over again, with all the wrenching details, so that no one will be ignorant. So that everyone will understand that to help Communism in Cuba is to, in one way or another, be an accomplice to these horrific acts.

When we see Congressmen Jerry Morgan, Republican from Kansas, and Mark Sanford, Republican from South Carolina, proposing laws to help Castro and allow U.S. citizens to travel freely to Cuba, we ask: Did these Congressmen forget the recent crime of the murder of four pilots of Brothers to the Rescue? And parenthetically, are these the same Republicans many Cubans hope will help them to see a free Cuba?

We can all expose these crimes. As for us, Alpha 66 opens this web site to expose to the world the crimes of the Castro regime. Our “X Files” need to be the light for all those who have lost their lives fighting Castro’s communism.


July 2000 

Monthly Messages 
By Miguel L. Talleda 

At the beginning of every month the members and supporters of Alpha66 receive a message of orientation from the National Executive. At its head, Andrés Nazario Sargén, with his unshakable persistence frames the Cuban problem with the certainty that he is  tracing the correct way. Let us read some excerpts from the report for the month of July: 

" We insist on defining the reason for the struggle in its projection and execution of the irregular war.  There does not exist another method of confrontation .  Every day that passes the tyrant holds on to power although he no longer governs. He continues his refrain that he will not abandon his post until he dies.  In fact, before so brazen affirmation there is no alternative but to fight.  To discuss this reality is to waste time.  There is only one alternative, and it is the confrontation.  Nothing will happen in favor of freedom and the Cuban liberation if we forget about the war actions and the spirit of combat that Alpha 66 has always maintained."  And Andres continues:  " In truth the history of Alpha 66, written with blood, does not have parallel.  It is of an incomparable dimension.  No other movement has had the world-wide impact that Alpha 66 has,creating a legend without foreign aid." 

And our Secretary General continues: 
" In this beautiful and epic task we must put in play every available resource.  It is necessary to be convinced that no matter what we do for our mother country, it should always be considered not enough.  But we must be strong and brave to save our beautiful island, the mother country that is supreme... this is the time of great decisions.  If you lament nothing is solved.  If you fight, if you speak against the tyrant, if you protest in any form, if you give money, if you attend the patriotic rallies, if it pains your heart, if you know of the suffering of your brothers and sisters on the island, if your soul feels oppressed by the abuses in our homeland, and more when it is against those who fight and protest, if you keep in your thoughts the brave ones of Lawton, with Oscar Elías Biscet at the top, and his radiating eyes of patriotism and dignity, if all those values cross your fibers of patriotism, then we know that Cuba is saved." 

And if the regime does not stop its daily hits and abuses, the jailing and murder of Cubans in the island, if it continues to restrict liberties while its economy tumbles then everything indicates the irregular war against the usurper is unalterable.  For that reason Andrés Nazario says to us:...
" a people cannot live in agony, with sully hearts and betrayed dreams without revolting.  The reactions of a people with heroic traditions are always the same.  These social groups rise at a precise moment to fight for their destiny.  Those human reactions are genetic and emerge from the core of past generations." 

This it is the message that comes to us; a message of patriotism.  A message reaffirmed by the exemplary conduct of a life dedicated to a gigantic task.  When we undertake a task of such magnitude, unique in this time in history, we have the right to feel that we are opening a path, that all of us, if we close our eyes, can see  the sun of freedom illuminating our beloved Cuba.











April 12, 2000



We are witnessing in horror how, after a miraculous arrival in the U.S., following the death of his mother in trying to bring him to freedom, six year old Elián González is being deported back to Cuba, by unreasonable people.

NO ONE, not the U.S. government nor his own father has the right to deport this child, who is a symbol of freedom, to the prison island that Castro has created in our beloved homeland.

We ask all the free thinking men and women of the world, to address the elected officials where they live and protest the abuse being done against Elián González.

Likewise, we ask all Cubans and Americans who think like we do, to immediately contact their President, Congressional Representative, Mayor, etc. and plead with them to intercede on Elián’s behalf, so that this does not become a black mark in the great history of this country.

Freedom is the human condition that has most distinguished great peoples; Elián González has the right to live in liberty. His mother paid the price with her life.

                                                                     ALPHA 66

November 1999

By Miguel L. Talleda 

If there is something we Cubans in exile should feel proud of it is to have three representatives in the Congress of the United States defending the rights of the Cuban people to be free. These three Cuban Musketeers of modern age utilize their clear intelligence and are always alert on any issue that deals with Cuba. 

One is a woman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and the other two are men, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Bob Menendez. They are from different political parties but of a single voice when combating the tyrant that oppresses our people. They are always ready to do battle. They have clearly fought against any type of settlement with the red satrap in order to prevent the economic power of the United States to tilt in assistance to the one that oppresses our people. An assistance that could put into debt the future of the new Republic that will come after the fall of the present ignominy. 

Lately we have seen them formidably denounce on the House Floor the repugnant actions of the torture experts sent by Castro to Vietnam in order to satisfy his hate towards the American people. Feeding on the misfortune of defenseless prisoners of war, who were tortured in an opprobrious manner with some of them losing their lives. 

The identifying of Fernando Vecino Alegret, current Cuban Minister of Higher Education, as the person in charge of torturing the American POWs is the blemish that embodies the communist system and can not be erased. Where did these diabolic people practice these cruel tortures before going to Vietnam? There is no doubt--on the backs of the Cubans imprisoned on the island that died in their dungeons. These murderers have yet to be held accountable. 

The freedom of Cuba requires a global effort on the part of all Cubans because as has been said: "we are only one people". Towards this goal, the fighting positions in the U.S. Congress are well manned


September 1999 

By Miguel L. Talleda 

Facing adversity has been something that has strengthened the foundation and conscience of our organization. Only a strong will base on irrevocable principles that will be present when the flag of victory is raised in a free homeland could make us prevail during this long struggle to see a free Cuba. 

And we say this because with the loss of Dr. Diego Medina our power to resist has been tested. A giant, whose absence is slowly being felt in our community, had to be replaced. But fate was preparing to strike another blow;
to test our endurance once again to resist destructive strokes, or perhaps to help us create the internal force that can only be found in true champions. On September 2nd Rolando Olivares, another giant of ALPHA 66 passed away. 

Rolando Olivares, a Cuban from Oriente was one of those used to fighting battles. He was a leader in the construction sector of the C.T.C. (Cuban Workers Federation) in Oriente Province. At that time, before Castro and Communism, the job of a worker’s representative was to defend the rights of workers, to struggle for better treatment and working conditions. It is not the system that exists today where the so-called protectors of the workers receive their orders from the tyrant who makes workers work without complaining in the newly created slave system. 

Like many other Cubans who rebelled against the system, Rolando Olivares was imprisoned for many years until he escaped and made his way to the United States where he immediately joined ALPHA 66. For many years he was the Delegate in New York until he retired to Miami and joined the National Executive Committee along with Andres Nazario, Diego Medina and other leaders of our organization. His work in ALPHA 66 was humble but firm and always of exceptional quality. Today we mourn his passing and his loss subjects us to a new test. 

Without any doubt we know we will succeed! We owe it to the suffering people of Cuba who we will never abandon. We owe it to our martyrs, to our heroes, to our lost countrymen in this great battle among which are Dr. Diego Medina and Rolando Olivares.

August 1999 


During the last four decades of the incredible tragedy undergone by our mother country, thousands have made the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives, to suffer years of cruel imprisonment, or compatriots that have been buried in strange lands, without being able to enjoy the day so long awaited, the liberation of Cuba. This period of history will show, parallel to the indifference of some and traitorous acts of others, a glorious file of heroic feats, of sacrifices, of patriots and of martyrs. The volume of written material, radio time, and television space committed to exposing the cruelty of Cuba's terrorist regime (compared only to Hitler's holocaust or Stalinist genocide) is enormous. 

But we believe that there have been few individuals that when responding to the call of the all mighty God, have left recorded hundreds of invaluable tapes which give proof of the clear, worthy, and patriotic position of total dedication to the liberation of Cuba. This was the case of Dr. Diego Medina. Its loss to Alpha 66, his family, friends, patients, and the Cuban cause is tremendous. Not a total loss, however, because with his experience and untiring dedication he left drawn up unequivocal lines of conduct in the fight against Castro's tyrannical regime. With his eloquence, integrity and conviction he created trenches of struggle within Cuba. But more important, his prestige and reputation gave the network of clandestine cells, operating inside Cuba, the necessary confidence in the tactical values of the type of fight that he promoted, which under the circumstances have been very successful. 

Those of us that were lucky to have enjoyed his friendship and learn from his long journey as a fighter for human rights and democracy, can only promise that we will not rest until his dream to see a free and democratic Cuba becomes a reality. May Dr. Diego Medina rest in peace and we hope that his family finds spiritual consolation in the conviction that he fulfilled his obligations as a Cuban and will be guiding us with his memory and his example. 

Without question it is impossible to put a value on the dignity, the dedication and the patriotism of this giant of the struggle for freedom. Only history can do that. In the name of Cuba and Alpha 66, thank you Dr. Diego Medina. 


August 1999
By Andres Nazario Sargen

Everything that is happening inside the island of Cuba at this very moment is extremely important. In many cases it is speculation about the impending fall of Castro's tyranny. All-important events begin first by rumors and speculation, with a little bit of realism, until the news materializes. This is the situation in Cuba and also in exile. It is known that there are persistent rumors with premonitions of a storm of liberation. The elimination of the barbarians who hold the power in Cuba, headed by Fidel Castro, has to be total and complete. That is the main problem and we are a few steps away from crying out Liberty!

These rumors are not the product of the optimism that is gaining ground among Cubans. The alarming situation is spreading internationally. Let's pay attention to what happened at the SUMMIT in Rio, Brazil. It so happened that Fidel Castro received the worst blow
of all time. He proved a total failure at this summit. The regime cannot withstand anymore failures. It is failing at everything. Its life is weak and battered. Already the steps toward victory are taking place. Bankruptcy is coinciding with insurgency, and those are the factors that create the rumors that precede the storms.

Let's touch upon very hot topics. Fidel Castro has lost his charismatic personality. He is a mummy, a miserable human derelict. He is a fictitious puppet without sign of recovering. A walking cadaver that any day will be thrown in a hole in a dark cemetery. Of course these things are not that simple, nor has it been a small matter. This has been the work of an indomitable and energetic people with a lot of heroic traditions. It has also come about with exile participation that created sparks from stones and remains unaltered in its decision to attain victory.

When telling the true story we have to point to a historic beginning. No doubt, the Escambray is the first national symbol. The genesis of the site is known as well as its history. But we still cannot count it as a victory. We will do it, the day following the glorious sunrise. However, in all this time of struggle, the battles, the resistance, keeping the decorum and dignity, are always the ingredient that join loose ends to give life and meaning to history. Many stories will be written, but the reality is in the nature of the strife. Stages have been skipped in order to be close to victory. This process has overcome many difficult moments, and has turned it into glorious triumphs. They are waterfalls that cascade into a national conscience.

The rumors that are heard like a distant wail and arrive as a vigorous omen are about to be clarified.
THE SEEDS OF PERSISTENCE, VALOUR , AND THE HEROIC BATTLES ARE THE WORK OF ALPHA 66. It is the light that will continue breaking through the fog to let in the dawn. These are not pensive musings. Let's review the martyrdom. Let's delve into the heroism of the combatants. Listen to the voice that is still in the air of the indomitable spirits, like Vicente Mendez and the rest of the guerrillas. Salute the heroes that are scattered throughout exile. Observe each step and each action. Look at the strength of courage and determination of Herculean minds. Look at the small forces that periodically reach land on the island. Listen to the buzzing sound of the machine guns on the horizon of the countryside. Look for incredible destruction every night. Let's review memorable dates and real facts that immortalize the warriors of Alpha 66 in their heroic deeds, which shook the lazy and woke up the people.

Yes, the theme of war and triumph does exist. Blood cannot be erased with a phrase or negotiations. Neither will Cuba ever forget that in 1961, with the glorious name of ALPHA 66, a page was opened in history and it is close to sealing the last victory.


June 1999
By: Andres Nazario Sargen.

     There are signs of tremors throughout the Cuban territory. It is the revolt that moves below the “Mambi” coast (Mambi was the name by which the Cuban rebels that fought against Spain in the 19th century were known). It seems that everything has changed and it is neither the spring fever nor the always-beautiful landscape. It is the Cuban soul, the same that José Martí referred to when he saw these same characteristics in the reaction of the people at all levels of society. The old becomes spiritual and the atmosphere is heating up. Many compatriots have remained immobilized and refuse to see the phenomenon that is transforming the feel and the will of the people. The people sparkle and their light illuminates the future.
     This awakening of the population explodes in ire and reaffirms itself in the values of the glorious past. All of us, knowledgeable of the history of the independence struggle, know that the Cuban’s dream is freedom. Freedom is an elegy for the future. The political and social drive has never stopped. There is always a voice that calls to combat. It is the flow of history and the suffering of the everyday. Hunger is a seducer to enervate the population. The abuses awaken a collective ire. The injustices are the elements that make the victim face-off with the exploiter. All the heroic fabrics are joined for the rebellion. This is the situation that moves the people when the flag waves.
     It is no longer a coincidence, nor is it something imponderable. The degree of oppression has reached such levels that it shouts from the throat: bandits, miserable, criminals, thieves you have stomped on the people and now your turn have come. A popular explosion, the devastated fields, the collective fires closing in on the horizon, the guns stirring in the mountains and armed forces facing off against one another.  This is neither utopia nor the dream we wish to see. No, those vibrant beats of the people are in two unmistakable places; in the Cuban soul and in the mambí spirit. It is like saying that the heart of the earth will elevate the flames like an erupting volcano.
     For some time now the unwavering moral values have shown themselves. It is the heroic face of the internal struggle of the Cuban people, which no one can deny. To ignore this reality is to deny the history which like genetics advances in every body and does not negate the courage and will to be free. There are in Cuba 12 million compatriots. Eleven million of these are marginalized from civilization and living like slaves. These are the ones who can have a whip or a rifle in their hands. But most important is that this stampede is not being handled by anyone nor is it foreign inspired. It is the national soul that rises valiantly. Everything is real. Everything is an accumulated energy. Everything is rooted in the armed struggle and in the thesis of irregular insurrection. Everything has a mother and a father and this internal force has been facilitated by Alpha 66. José Martí said that a people is lucky if they had in their seed the courage of those who have died fighting for freedom. To doubt this is not to have the sensibility or knowledge of the history and actions of Alpha 66.

March 1999
By Andres Nazario Sargen.

Everything has changed. The Cuban people stopped being silent, eradicated the inertia, challenged history and confronted the abusive state police kicking the mercenary oppressors. This didn't happen suddenly; there was already an effervescent ground. The spectacle of the tyrant harassing 5,000 humiliated police officers, with their faces down, tested what little  patience remained in the people and brought out forces prepared to charge and gain moral fortitude.

The monstrous tyrant threw the Pope into the garbage and sent the King of Spain to Melilla. He treated President Clinton like dirt. He spoke full of hate. His corrupt brain full of failures and crimes could only ask for more of the same. More prison terms and more death. He doesn't realize that he is 40 years beyond his stupidity of 1959. His roar is no more. He is just a toothless lion close to death and without credibility. His words had a beautiful response from the people: No to fear and Yes to heroism.

The people have become tired of the boredom of living oppressed and have come out proud. A new and different era started. The face of the nation was feeling energized. Testing its new power with the international community, it heard the voice of solidarity. Today will never be like yesterday and tomorrow will be very different.

The pressure is coming from all strata in the country. The beast that at the start of the 60's decade had a glorious image of an honest revolutionary is now accused of being a great thief. In his pretense to change Jose Marti's thought he negated the great Cuban hero. Now he is seen as a Hitler or Stalin or a copier of the most perverse military dictator in the world. There is nothing left of the once mighty Fidel Castro. To send people to prison or to the firing squad does not require any intelligence nor does it show the qualities of a strong man. The criminal is counting on an enormous privileged or uncivilized militia force. This always ends in an insurrection that transforms itself into a  civil war. This situation has changed the face of the people and there will not be much time left. The fall will come by various means in the island or by the hand of the redeemer. He is the maker of his own defeat. History is devouring him.

The important point is that the people are rapidly reaching a boiling point. The urgency to get to the bottom of the tragedy has created a new era of liberties, democracy, and reevaluation of human rights. Inside the island the winds of free enterprise, social, political, economic and human changes are blowing at full scale. Furthermore, the clandestine CELLS CONTINUE TO DESTROY THE ECONOMY. But there is still another factor that has awakened in the people the heritage of the heroism of past generations.The courage of Jose Marti, Jose Maria Heredia and their generation played a role in the heroism of the future generation. Carlos Manuel de Cespedes sowed the seeds in the conscience of the people of the ideal of a Republic and of a Nation,  as well of liberty and justice. Once we attained the Republican status, the newer generations were no less rebellious. This is the time in history where all these forces are converging creating a new face as freedom nears.

is not a coincidence. I predicted it and remain convinced that the hour of rebellion or insurrection or guerrilla uprising is within arms reach: it is ours. Let's give it our hand and move on down that road paved from within Cuba. We can not ignore this historic and decisive moment. This tragedy will end once we all fully understand it. We are the children and grand children of the great figures of the 19th century who at every turn battled against dictators and corrupt governments. Are we not part of Cuba's history? Yes, without any doubt.

The new heroic face illuminates us. We are ready to second the new era of freedom! The irregular Cuban war is the only victorious solution! Glory be to Cuba and its people.

August 1998


by Miguel L. Talleda

    When the Cuban exiles left the Cuban coasts to spread through the world, Castro could never have imagined that that forced exodus was going to constitute his main problem in his quest to dominate the people and impose on them the bitter and cruel Communist doctrine.

    But he made a mistake. Through the years, the Cubans, wherever they have made their homes, in a great majority, have been exemplary citizens and have had success. In some cases, their contribution to the new land
has been spectacular, as it has happened in Florida, where they have been an important factor in transforming Miami, from a  small town, to one of the most important metropolis of the United States.

    What never went through Castro's perverse mind was that the Cubans in exile were going to keep as their permanent goal the liberty of the Island and that almost forty years later would still be denouncing his abuses, united in spirit and action to those who inside Cuba are victims of his exploitation. We have torn his dream to pieces.

    This unwavering position  of the exile community engenders hate and desperation in the tyrant.  The community is ready to help the people of Cuba when the resentments accumulated over so many years finally brings about the liberation; that is, when Castro and his henchmen finally meet the devil.

    Alpha 66 is one of the thorns on the side of the despot.  The Pastors for Peace who have made many trips to Cuba to ingratiate themselves with Castro, pretending that they are helping the people who are suffering from hunger and lack of everyday necessities,  are accusing Alpha 66, inferring that we have caused them to lose close to half a million dollars. And since the purpose of the Pastors for Peace is to destroy all  anti-Castro organizations, they have also filed a law suit against the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), the 2506 Brigade (Veterans of  the Bay of Pig Invasion) and the Junta Civico Militar.

    These Pastors for Peace who are clearly violating the laws of the U.S. by violating the laws of the embargo against Cuba, have another purpose besides as they say to help those Cubans living in misery--a misery not created by the embargo but by Castro himself, one of the world's richest people according to Forbes magazine.

    The purpose of the Pastors for Peace was exposed in a very clear way by the head of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) and Pastors for Peace,  the  Rev. Lucious Walker, on the occasion
of the75th anniversary of the Communist Party of the U.S., when, following his congratulations to the Party, he stated in reference to his struggle to help Fidel Castro:

   "We will win on this issue because of you and because of people around this country who know that the time has come for a new relationship, for a new model in the world, and that model is Cuba." (Peoples Weekly World, Nov. 19, 1996)

    Could there be any doubt as to who is helping the Pastors for Peace on their trips to Cuba?  Isn't it clear that their efforts have the intention of helping the multimillionaire Fidel Castro, and not the poor Cuban people?  To the Cuban people their message is also clear....Hold on....hold on...40 years of Communist slavery is nothing...Do not forget that you are the beneficiaries of this new world model!!

    And as far as their attempts to destroy Alpha 66, we say: "It is too late, we are already part of the idea of freedom that exists inside Cuba and that is indestructible."


August 1998,


By Dr. Diego Medina

Let us depart for a moment from reality. Fidel Castro and his cronies have been executing, murdering, incarcerating and torturing thousand of innocent beings for almost 40 years. This nefarious regime has perpetrated horrible massacres on Cuban shores. They've robbed, they've provoked the greatest exodus in the recorded history of this continent and they've sunken Cuba in misery and terror. All this is a truth that bears no need for discussion, so now I need to ask you… ¿what would you think of a Cuban that defends that regime? Even though it may seem incredible, many times we have heard statements such as;

We have to lift the US embargo on Cuba.
We have to save the accomplishments of the revolution.
We have to bring the USA government and the Castrist regime closer together.
We have to forgive and forget.

Everyone repeats these pre-fabricated statements know the atrocities committed by the regime of Fidel Castro and also know that the misery on the island is hey know that with the tyrant in power there can be no positive changes for Cuba, and without justice there can be no solution for the tragedy endured by our country.

Those that wave the flag while pleading help for Castrism know that the so-called "revolution" has not had one single accomplishment. Education and medical assistance on the island are a disaster and you cannot, in any
consciousness, call that disaster an accomplishment.

These defenders of the regime know that the crimes, the tortures and the abuses cannot be forgotten. Before forgiveness can be bestowed, justice and remorse must have previously existed. So then we ask ourselves, if they know all this… ¿why do they keep repeating the same old diatribe without cessation?

Recently the newspaper The New Herald published a response to this question … "Private North American Foundations have backed, with millions of dollars, the intense campaign displayed in recent times encouraging the USA to normalize its relations with Cuba and suspend the commercial embargo against the island…"

This is not the moment to analyze what is or are the motives that these foundations have, to betray the Cuban people, and even the North American people in this manner. At least now we know thanks to The New Herald the
names of some of them; The Arch Foundation, The Ford Foundation and the General Services Foundation.

The newspaper also offers us the list, maybe even a partial list at that, of the institutions and individuals that received the multimillion dollars in assistance; Cuban Committee for Democracy, presided by Eliseo Perez Stable and counts amongst it's directors Alfredo Duran, Marcelino Miyares, Alejandro Portes and Carmen Diaz Machado, Institute for Global Politics, International Center for Politics directed by Wayne Smith, American Association for World Health, presided by Peter G. Bourne, Inter-American Dialogue, Osfam -American, whose communications director is Peggy Connoly, The Organization for Cuban Change, directed by Eloy Gutierrrez Menoyo, Florida International University (F.I.U.), Cuban American Defense League, directed by Eddy B. Levy, Xiomara Almaguer, Magda Montiel-Davis and John H. Cabañas.

In this manner The New Herald has identified a few of the private foundations WHO PAY, WHAT THEY PAY FOR AND TO WHOM IT IS PAYED. As far as any qualifiers or judgements, that these Cubans deserve, we leave that in the hands of our readers. For they ultimately have the last word.

(This editorial by the Press Secretary and Vice Secretary General of Alpha 66 appeared in the August 1st edition,  in the 20 Of May newspaper in Los Angeles)