February 11, 2005


One day I hope to step on Cuban soil

Statement by Barbara Kingsolver, the outstanding North American writer who was denied permission by the US government to attend the Fair.

A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann

The outstanding North American writer, Barbara Kingsolver, sent to the Organizing Committee of the Fair the speech that she was not able to give at the event, due to travel difficulties, because "to put it politely, governments often have difficulties understanding each other. Mine in particular has difficulty understanding yours.

"I maintain the hope that one day I will step on Cuban soil. I do not give up easily", she emphasized. Nevertheless, she added, "my novel, The Poisonwood Bible, has been published in Cuba and for that I am thankful and happy.

"Literature is a bridge between the people that cannot be broken neither by war, nor embargoes, nor any other type of horrible and rigid method that the governments use to force one group of people to agree with another one". Talking about her work, Barbara said: "In my country I am known as a "political" novelist which you might call a committed writer, although we do not have such a term for it. Unlike the rest of the world, this it is not a very popular kind of writing in the United States. But it seems that it works very well in my case".

Barbara tells that her childhood was spent in one of the poorest regions of the United States, a place where money did not remain in the hands of those who earned it, but in those who already had it, and that was not necessary to read Karl Marx to know that was bad; as for her novel, the Poisonwood Bible, she says that her greatest challenge is to tell a history that the readers had not wanted to hear, within the context of the drama of the Congo and the murder of Patricio Lumumba. Barbara ended her message saying she was deeply thankful for the invitation to visit Cuba and this important Fair. And express ': "My best wishes and my solidarity". (RC)

Albergo la esperanza de pisar suelo cubano

Manifestó Barbara Kingsolver, la destacada escritora, a la que Estados Unidos le negó asistir a la Feria

La destacada escritora norteamericana Barbara Kingsolver hizo llegar al Comité Organizador de la Feria el discurso que no pudo pronunciar en el evento, al tener dificultades para viajar, porque "—¿cómo decirlo cortésmente?— los gobiernos muchas veces tienen dificultades para comprenderse. Al mío, en particular, se le dificulta comprender al suyo. Albergo la esperanza de algún día pisar suelo cubano. No me doy por vencida fácilmente", subrayó.

Sin embargo, agregó, "mi novela, La Biblia envenenada, se publicó en Cuba por lo que estoy agradecida y feliz. La literatura es un puente entre los pueblos que no pueden romper ni la guerra, ni embargos, ni cualquier otro tipo de método tremendo y rígido que los gobiernos emplean para forzar a un grupo de personas a concordar con otro".

Refiriéndose a su obra, Barbara precisa: "En mi país se me conoce como una novelista `política', lo que ustedes llamarían una escritora comprometida, aunque aquí no tenemos un término para nombrarlo. A diferencia del resto del mundo, este no es un género muy popular en los Estados Unidos. Pero parece que funciona muy bien en mi caso".

Barbara cuenta que su infancia transcurrió en una de las regiones más pobres de los Estados Unidos, un lugar donde el dinero no permanecía en las manos de los que trabajaban, sino en las de aquellos que lo poseían, y que no era necesario leerse a Carlos Marx para saber qué era lo que estaba mal; y en cuanto a su novela, La Biblia Envenenada, apunta que su mayor reto es contar una historia que los lectores no hubieran querido escuchar jamás, teniendo como contexto el drama del Congo y el asesinato de Patricio Lumumba.

Barbara finaliza su mensaje agradeciendo profundamente la invitación para visitar a Cuba y a esta importante Feria. Y expresó: "Mis mejores deseos y mi solidaridad". (RC)