By: Dr. Néstor García Iturbe
May 12 /2015

A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.

Information has recently been disclosed about operation "JADE HELM 15", which in Spanish would be "Timón de Jade 15". The facts that have come to light on this operation have been published by sources that are contrary to the interests of the Pentagon, such as Infowars, and mainly by journalists Alex Jones and Juan Ramón Jiménez de León.

According to what’s been published, "Operation JADE HELM 15" will be conducted in different states of southern and western United States, namely Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.

The operation is scheduled to begin on July 15 and should end on September 15 this year. The operation itself should last no more than two months, although if everything goes right for the US forces, it could end a little sooner.

Journalists report that the forces involved in the operation will include highly trained personnel of the US Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), US Navy SEALs, US Air Force Special Operations Command, USMC Marine Special Operations Command, USMC Marine Expeditionary Units and the 82nd Airborne Division, all of the latter together with the National Guard, police and other paramilitary agencies from the states where the operation will take place.  

The exercise is being organized by the Department of Defense (DoD) and General Ashton Carter has been designated to command it, as part of the actions to be undertaken by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).  General Gerald "Jake" Betty will be Chief of Operations.

The purpose of this operation is to occupy the states where insurgents have become strong and therefore the situation has become "ungovernable" by the units that in a case like this are responsible for maintaining "order": the police, other repressive agencies and the National Guard. To prevent this "spring" from gaining force and the possibility of the insurgents taking power, Pentagon units are brought in with all their military might.

Recent documents of the National Guard, describe US citizens participating in protests as "enemy forces" and "adversaries". 

The development by the Pentagon of what has been called "Human DominationTechniques” which accumulates the information obtained on individuals over the Internet, Facebook and other similar systems, are of great help for operations like this. "They are building the infrastructure of tyranny," said Infowars’ David Knight, after learning of the statements of Lt. Col. Al Di Leonardo on the use of this information and the Pentagon’s characterization of different regions according to their dangerousness.

This is an exercise planned against US citizens who express disagreement with the situation in the country, or who protest against the murders committed by the police; an exercise that is led by a command of the Pentagon, the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), whose mission is precisely to maintain the order established by the ruling class within the country. All of this is funded by the taxpayers: the "insurgents" themselves who buy the bullets that will kill them.


Por : Dr. Néstor García Iturbe
12 de mayo 2015-05-11

Recientemente ha comenzado a divugarse información sobre a operación  “JADE HEM 15”, cuya traducción pudiera ser “Timón de Jade 2015”. as   informaciones que han saido a a uz púbica sobre a mencionada operación, se han pubicado en voceros contrarios a os intereses de Pentágono, como INFOWARS, principamente por os periodistas Aex Jones y Juan Ramón Jiménez de eón.

De acuerdo con o pubicado, a operación “JADE HEM 15”  se desarroará en distintos estados de sur y oeste de Estados Unidos, a saber, Texas , Nuevo México, Arizona, Caifornia, Nevada, Utah y Coorado.

a fecha para e inicio de a operación será e 15 de Juio y  debe terminar e 15 de Septiembre de este año. a operación en si debe tener un término máximo de duración de dos meses, aunque si todo se desarroa favorabemente a as fuerzas estadounidenses, pudiera durar un poco menos de tiempo.

Se ha informado por os periodistas, que as fuerzas impicadas en a operación van a incuir persona atamente entrenado de U.S. Army Specia Forces Command (Green Berets o boinas verdes), U.S. Navy SEAS, U.S. Air Force Specia Operations Command, USMC Marine Specia Operations Command, USMC Marine Expeditionary Units, a 82nd Airborne Division, todas estas fuerzas unidas a a Guardia Naciona, a poicía y otras agencias paramiitares de os estados en que a operación se desarroará.

E ejercicio ha sido organizado por e Departamento de Defensa (DoD)  y a frente de mismo se ha designado a Gra. Ashton Carter, que  dirigirá de mismo como parte de as acciones a desarroar por e United States Specia Operations Command (USSOCOM), e Genera Gerad “Jake” Betty estará a tanto de desarroo de as operaciones.

E objetivo de esta operación es ocupar os estados donde os insurgentes han tomado fuerza y por o tanto, a situación se ha tornado “ingobernabe” para as unidades que en casos como este son as encargadas de mantener “e orden”, a poicía, otras agencias represivas y a Guardia Naciona. Para impedir que esta “primavera” coja fuerza y os insurgentes tomen e poder, intervienen as unidades de Pentágono con toda su poderío béico.

En documentos recientes de a Guardia Naciona, os ciudadanos estadounidenses que participan en protestas son caificados como  “fuerzas enemigas” y “adversarios”.

Se pantea que e desarroo por e Pentágono de o que se ha denominado “Técnicas de Dominio Humano”, donde se acumua a información obtenida sobre as personas por medio de Internet,Facebook y otros sistemas simiares resutan de gran ayuda para operaciones como esta.  “Eos están construyendo a infraestructura de a tiranía”, decaró David Knight, de INFOWARS, a conocer as decaraciones  de Teniente Corone A Di eonardo sobre a utiización de esta información y a caracterización que e Pentágono reaizaba de as distintas regiones acorde a a peigrosidad de as mismas. .

Este es un ejercicio panificado contra ciudadanos estadounidenses, que expongan su desacuerdo con a situación existente en e país, o que protesten por os asesinatos que comete a poicía.  Ejercicio dirigido por un Comando de Pentágono, e United States Specia Operations Command (USSOCOM), cuya Misión es precisamente mantener e orden estabecido dentro de país por a case dominante y todo eso se sufraga  con e dinero de os contribuyentes, os mismos “insurgentes” proporcionan e dinero para os proyecties que os van a matar.