We The Women
(+ Info graphic)
The role of women in every sphere of social life has been the object of several theories, but in Cuban society after the triumph of the Revolution, that trend has been reversed in favor of equality and gender equity.

Author: Granma |
March 6, 2015 19:03:39

A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.

Throughout history, many have been the theories –and positions– regarding the role of women in society: at home, at work ... The androcentric pattern that has dominated human behavior indicates, for example, that man should be the figure of power, the breadwinner or the one who performs the tasks that require “strength”.

In Cuban society, after the triumph of the Revolution, that trend has been reversed in favor of equality and gender equity. The work of institutions like the Federation of Cuban Women and the projection of public policies in favor of inclusion and deployment of the potentialities of women have been key in this regard.

From the first steps aimed at eliminating problems like prostitution, ignorance about their own bodies and family planning, among other issues; higher goals were set, such as the introduction of abortion in the health services and the adoption of a Family Law that establishes the absolute legal equality of women and men in marriage as well as the definition of equal rights and duties of spouses toward their children and their household.

Among the leading actions taken by the Cuban government has been the recognition of equal economic, political, cultural, social and family rights in the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, the fundamental law of the State.

Younger generations may find it difficult to understand that there was a "before" to these achievements which are perceived today as common and accessible.

Upon the shoulders and minds of women like Mariana Grajales, Celia Sánchez, Vilma Espín, the fighters of the 26th of July Movement ... and others who have gone down in history almost anonymously but equally importantly, our present society has largely been forged.

The process to date, however, has not been a matter of days; it had to be "a revolution within the revolution," as the historical leader Fidel Castro said.

It is often cited that "behind every great man there is a great woman," without ever really knowing if this is a compliment to either gender or simply the relationship of interdependence that exists between them.

Perhaps it is, as the Apostle Martí once said, that women lack "none of the abilities that men possess, but their fine and sensitive nature confer on them harder and higher tasks".

On this International Women's Day, Granma has wished to recall the achievements of women in our society.





Nosotras (+Infografía)

El rol de la mujer en cualquiera de las esferas de la vida social ha pasado por varias teorías, pero en la sociedad cubana, después del triunfo de la Revolución, esa tendencia ha ido revirtiéndose en aras de la igualdad y equidad de gé­neros