Havana, Monday, June 7, 2010. Year 14 / Number 159

Updated 7:00 p.m. local time

Anti-Israel comment precipitates retirement of
renowned journalist Helen Thomas from White House.

Helen Thomas, dean of White House journalists, announced her retirement after the controversy over her  statements against Israel, according to The New York Times.

Thomas, 89, said in a video which appeared on the Internet on May 27 that the Jews must leave Palestine as soon as possible.

A statement distributed by the Hearst media group, for  which Thomas was a columnist for 10 years, said the journalist resigned effective immediately.

Thomas did not attend Monday's daily press conference and as usual when she did not, her seat remained empty, but minutes later she took her decision.

Her journalism career spanned 57 years, of which 50 were devoted to work at the White House, where she covered the 10 presidents since the Eisenhower administration to the present, Barack Obama.

The last question was also on the 27th, when he questioned Obama about when America would leave Afghanistan.

Thomas was born on August 4, 1920 in Winchester, Kentucky and has written several books about her coverage of the White House, their views on journalism and how the president should lead a government.

Google translation. Revised by Walter Lippmann.


From: Zola2642@aol.com 
Date: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [CubaNews] GRANMA: Anti-Israel comment precipitates retirement of Helen Thomas
This is actually not accurate either.  She said the ISRAELIS should leave
Palestine.  Or rather, the young man asked her what she had to say to the
Israelis and she said "they should get the Hell out of Palestine".   She did not
say that "the Jews" should leave anywhere. She was obviously talking about the
occupation and the settlements, but some media in the US are shouting that she
had said that "the Jews" should "leave Israel" and go to Poland.  The spin is to
equate the Israeli government and its supporters with "the Jews" everywhere and
Palestine with Israel.

Emile Schepers

Emile Schepers' comment is much appreciated.

It would be entirely appropriate to send a note to Granma directly making these same points.

Israel actually claims to speak for and represent the Jewish people EVERYWHERE. This is why those
to defend Israel try to smear everyone who is critical of Israel as being anti-Semitic. 

In fact, the HEADLINE of the YouTube video says: 

"Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany" 

But in the actual interview she is asked about ISRAEL, not about "the Jews" and where the 
ISRAELIs should go. She responds that they should get out of Palestine. Remember, these
people are occupied. 

She is then asked where should they go. Her response is: Poland, Germany, America and 
anywhere else.

As is obvious, the supporters of Isreal on the Internet and elsewhere ambushed Helen

They were thus momentarily successful in diverting public attention from Israel's KILLINGS of the humanitarian aid flotilla
toward what Helen Thomas SAID about the Israeli blockade and occupation of Gaza.

Granma's e-mail address: correo@granma.cip.cu

Walter Lippmann
From: Zola2642@aol.com
Date: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: [CubaNews] Re: GRANMA: Anti-Israel comment precipitates retirement of Helen Thomas

I will send a note to Granma pointing out the mistake, after checking to make
sure the problem was not merely in the translation.  The major propaganda thrust
is indeed to try and psychologically equate the state of Israel and, by
extension, its politicies, with the entire Jewish people everywhere.

This is designed to put pressure on Jews in and out of Israel not to be critical
of the actions of the Israeli government, because to do so is to attack the
whole Jewish people (I am happy to say that this ploy does not work 100%).

Another subtle attempt is to make the terms "Palestine" and "Israel" seem like
the same thing. At one time this was in fact the political reality, in the sense
that under the Ottoman and British League of Nations/UN mandate governments,
there was not a territorial or political separating out of "what is Israel" from
"what is Palestine".

But since the creation of the independent state of Israel in 1948 (or was it
49?) "Israel" and "Palestine" are recognized by the world as two entities.
Exceptions are extreme Zionists who do not recognize the right of the
Palestinian people to have a state or even exist, and the extreme Islamists who
do not recognize the reality of the Israeli state as something that can't just
be made to vanish.

Actions like this disgusting "gotcha" ambush of 89 and ongoing auto-da-fe for
year old Helen Thomas are designed to create and reinforce a mind set which
makes these simple minded and dangerous identifications.

I move we organize a 90th birthday party for Helen, the only member of the White
House press corps who has consistently asked the hard questions.

Emile Schepers





La Habana, lunes 7 de junio de 2010. Año 14 / Número 159

Actualizado 7:00 p.m., hora local

Comentario antiisraelí precipita retiro de
renombrada periodista de la Casa Blanca

Helen Thomas, decana de los periodistas de la Casa Blanca, anunció hoy su retiro tras la polémica desatada por sus declaraciones contra Israel, según el diario The New York Times.

Thomas, de 89 años, expresó en un video aparecido en Internet el pasado 27 de mayo que los judíos debían irse cuanto antes de Palestina.

Un comunicado distribuido por el grupo de comunicación Hearts, del que Thomas era columnista desde hace 10 años, indicó que la periodista dimitió con efecto inmediato.

Thomas no acudió este lunes a la rueda de prensa diaria y como es habitual cuando ella no está, su asiento permaneció vacío, pero minutos después se conoció su decisión.

Su carrera periodística se extendió durante 57 años, de los cuales 50 los dedicó a su labor en la Casa Blanca, donde cubrió a los 10 presidentes desde la administración Eisenhower hasta el actual, Barack Obama.

La última pregunta ácida la hizo también el día 27, al cuestionar a Obama sobre cuándo Estados Unidos va a salir de Afganistán.

Thomas nació el 4 de agosto de 1920 en Winchester, Kentucky y ha escrito varios libros sobre su cobertura en la Casa Blanca, sus opiniones respecto al periodismo y cómo debería conducir el gobierno un presidente.
