Havana, Wednesday May 13, 2009. Year 13 / Number 133

New regulations to counter the unlawful use of vehicles

In line with our efforts to reorganize Havana’s road traffic and public transportation system, the Provincial Transit Authority is herein notifying all licensed vehicle operators that a number of new regulations will be enforced as of next May 15, 2009 by state officials and authorities empowered to that effect against drivers who fail to comply the provisions of Article No.1, items j) and k) of Decree-Law No. 261 of May 1999 laid down by the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers.

The said measures will be applied, albeit not limited to, the following violations:

- Use or allow the use of a state-owned vehicle for unauthorized purposes or to derive personal benefits deemed a privilege.

- Authorize or allow the use of a state-owned vehicle to carry loads or passengers without the relevant license to render such services.

- Use a means of transport or a vehicle drawn by animals that is not registered to the licensed vehicle operator or for purposes of rendering a service in a manner and/or area, or for profit-making ends, otherwise unauthorized to the said license.

- It must be pointed out that if the owner of a vehicle is found to have repeated this kind of behavior, his or her vehicle will be confiscated.

Moreover, state and private porters alike are thereby urged to keep their vehicles fit for use and have such condition officially endorsed by the proper Roadworthiness Check Certificate issued by FICAV (Road Management and Vehicle Diagnosis Enterprise) and refrain from making any alteration involving a major change in the registered data (for instance, placing more seats) pursuant to Article 204, Law No. 60/87 of the Traffic Code. They must also bear in mind that a Vehicle Operation License is a nontransferable document which, if issued to an individual, also has provincial or municipal scope for all kinds of services, with specific mention of the areas where the licensed driver can operate for personal purposes.

Finally, we insist that these and other measures intend to make our roads safer for vehicles devoted to carry loads or passengers and prevent their use in ways other than those required by the above provisions.

Provincial Transit Authority / City of Havana



Applying Measures in Cuba against Unauthorized Taxi Drivers Tania Salvador  


Applying Measures in Cuba against
Unauthorized Taxi Drivers Tania Salvador

Drivers and owners of means of transport in Havana who do not possess a license to operate as private taxi drivers will be sanctioned including the confiscation of vehicles.

Cuban authorities will apply from this week on severe measures against drivers and owners of means of transport who offer unauthorized rental service in Havana.

Drivers and owners of means of transport in Havana who do not possess a license to operate as private taxi drivers will be sanctioned including the confiscation of vehicles.

The measure is directed at a number of automobiles that offer service without being properly registered and authorized for that work.

The restrictions announced this Wednesday include drivers of state-owned means of transport who use those means as a rental service or to enjoy oneself outside of one’s work obligations.

The public transport situation in the Cuban capital, as in the rest of the country, practically ground to a halt around 20 years ago and afterwards began to progressively recuperate until reaching about one year ago an acceptable level of service, although still not fulfilling the total demand.

For that reason the government authorized about ten years ago the owners of private transport to work as taxi drivers with their own means, but this didn’t satisfy all expectations because active workers were prohibited from exercising that service.

On account of the demand on the street the so-called “pirate taxi drivers” proliferated who set about offering service without being authorized, above all during the night and on weekends when the supply of those authorized lowered.

The authorities decided two years ago to not persecute those who are not authorized with the aim of allowing the population to have more offers of service in a city that has doubled two and a half times in 50 years and doesn’t have other alternative means of transport such as streetcars, subways and shuttles.

But the quantity of unauthorized taxi drivers grew rapidly, including beginning to reach into neighboring provinces and became a very lucrative job in which owners employ other people to operate their automobiles.

The measure that will begin to be applied this week forms part of a large governmental campaign in all spheres against illegalities and violations of established laws and decrees.

*Translated by Susana Hurlich

May 13, 2009, 6:28 pm



Medidas restrictivas y de enfrentamiento a ilegalidades en las vías

Con motivo del trabajo que se lleva a cabo con vistas al reordenamiento vial y la recuperación del transporte público en nuestra Capital, la Comisión Provincial de Vialidad y Tránsito en Ciudad de La Habana informa a los poseedores de Licencias de Operación de Transporte que a partir del 15 de mayo del presente, se priorizará la aplicación de medidas restrictivas y de enfrentamiento a las ilegalidades por parte de funcionarios y autoridades facultadas, a los incumplidores de lo instituido en el Artículo No.1 incisos j) y k) del Decreto No. 261 de mayo de 1999 del Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo de Ministros.

Las contravenciones que dan lugar a la aplicación de dichas medidas pueden ser entre otras:

· Utilizar o permitir que se use un medio de transporte perteneciente a una entidad u organización en actividades no autorizadas para el mismo, o por las cuales se obtengan beneficios personales que constituyan un privilegio.

· Autorizar, permitir o prestar un servicio de transporte de carga o de pasajeros sin poseer la correspondiente licencia de operación de transporte.

· Utilizar medios de transporte, personas o de tracción animal no registrados en su Licencia de Operación de Transporte, o preste un servicio de una clasificación o en un lugar que no le corresponda a dicha Licencia, o mediante retribución sin poseer autorización para ello.

· Es necesario señalar que de tratarse de un medio perteneciente a una persona natural con reincidencia en dicha infracción, se le decomisará el vehículo.

Se enfatiza además que los porteadores estatales y privados, han de mantener los vehículos en buen estado técnico avalados por el Certificado de Revisión Técnica Automotor otorgado por el FICAV, así mismo que dichos vehículos no pueden presentar ninguna modificación que impliquen un cambio fundamental de los datos registrados (como podría ser el incremento en el número de asientos), conforme al artículo 204 de la Ley 60/87 Código de Vialidad y Tránsito, igualmente tener muy presente que la Licencia de Operación de Transporte es personal e intransferible y en el caso de las personas naturales tiene un alcance provincial o municipal para todos los tipos de servicios e incluyen los lugares donde solo podrán ejercer esta actividad por cuenta propia.

Por último insistimos que estas y otras medidas obedecen a garantizar una mayor seguridad vial en la transportación de cargas o personas, así como no permitir ilegalidades que afecten el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto.

Comisión Provincial de Vialidad y Transito

Ciudad de La Habana
