A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
Espinosa and Leiva’s letter to Obama

Havana, May 22, 2008

Mr. Barack Obama
United States of America

Esteemed Mr. Obama:

Your words about the willingness to make what changes the American society needs to fit in with the internal and external challenges posed by the 21st century raise great hopes among us Cubans too, at a time when our country is living a period without precedent in almost 50 years and transformations of great significance are possible if we act smartly and remain even-tempered.

On the occasion of your visit to Florida we reiterate our appreciation of your proposals to modify U.S. policy on Cuba so that solidarity with our people can be more effective. We applaud your responsible initiatives to remove the travel ban on the Cuban-Americans and their limitations to sending economic aid to their families and friends. We also hope that any other prohibitions will be gradually lifted. Promoting the end of the decades-long confrontation between both sides of the Florida Strait, so useful to the most conservative sectors of the Cuban government to justify the national disaster and repress the Cubans, will bring very positive results.

As U.S. history and its policies toward other areas of the world have shown, rapprochement fuels national progress and boosts democracy, while isolation and hatred have always been totalitarianism’s great allies. We Cubans are very fond of Americans for geographical, historical and cultural reasons, a fact that many have overlooked for half a century.

We trust that your victory in the presidential election next November will mark the beginning of an era of political realism about Cuba and increasing contacts in every field and at with all of society’s representatives, be they the rulers or the ruled. A creative policy as befits America’s greatness would have excellent effects and, even if we are the ones responsible for changing things in Cuba, stand as a significant contribution to our country’s transition to democracy and respect for human rights within the framework of reconciliation.

Furthermore, you could play a key role in achieving the unconditional release of 55 of the 75 prisoners of conscience convicted in the Black Spring of 2003, preventing nine of them who have been released for reasons of health and still remain in Cuba –including the undersigned– from being sent back to prison, and helping all other peaceful political prisoners be freed.

Esteemed Sr. Obama, please accept our warmest admiration and best wishes of success in your ambitions and so far-reaching purposes. And we take the opportunity to send our regards to your wife Mrs. Michelle Obama.

Oscar Espinosa Chepe,
Prisoner of Conscience (sentenced to 20 years) in the group of 75,
on temporary release for serious reason of health  
Economist and Independent Journalist on active service

Miriam Leiva
Founding Members of the Ladies in White
Independent Journalist




Ladies in White’s letter to Obama

Havana, May 22, 2008

Sr. Barack Obama                                                                                     
United States of America

Esteemed Sr. Obama:

We, Ladies in White, voices of the 75 prisoners of conscience sentenced to prison terms of up to 28 years during the crackdown known as the Black Spring of 2003, hold out hopes that you will contribute to the immediate and unconditional release of the 55 of them who are still imprisoned in horrible circumstances despite their precarious health problems and prevent the nine of them temporarily released for serious illnesses from being sent back to prison. Furthermore, we expect that the rest of the peaceful political prisoners in Cuba, more than 200, be also freed.

As you know, since July 31, 2006 there has been a unique stage in Cuba’s life which has no precedent in the last 50 years, and we believe that if the Cuban authorities intend to make any real changes they must start with the release of our families, who have committed no crime and whose only ambition is to foster the Cuban people’s progress and well-being in an atmosphere of peace, democracy and respect for human rights.

There is no excuse to keep our dear ones in prison, now that President Raúl Castro has acknowledged the existence of serious flaws at all levels of society, forewarned of structural and conceptual changes –yet to be specified– and called upon the people to voice their views and criticism. Most of our prisoners had independently foretold those and other problems. They are neither mercenaries nor U.S. agents, as the Cuban leaders argue to use the confrontation between our two countries as an excuse to account for our problems, repress our people, instill fear and fool worldwide public opinion. 

We know that Mrs. Michelle Obama, your wife, is a very sensitive person too, and she could help us have these prisoners of conscience released and our families protected, especially our children, and the elderly who were also convicted five years and two months ago.

We wish you every success in your efforts for the benefit of the United States and our friends the American people, as well as health and personal fortune to you and your family.



Espinosa y Leiva escriben a Obama


 Por Oscar Espinosa y Miriam Léiva.

La Habana, 22 de mayo de 2008

Sr. Barack Obama
Estados Unidos de América

Estimado Sr. Obama:

La voluntad de realizar los cambios que la sociedad de Estados Unidos necesita para adecuarse a los retos internos y exteriores del siglo XXI expresada por Usted, nos llenan de esperanzas también a los cubanos, cuando nuestro país atraviesa un momento único en casi 50 años, y podrían efectuarse cambios trascendentales si obramos con inteligencia y ecuanimidad.

En ocasión de su visita a Florida, le reiteramos nuestro aprecio a sus propuestas de modificar la política de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba, para que la solidaridad con nuestro pueblo sea más efectiva.  Consideramos muy acertadas sus responsables iniciativas de eliminar las limitaciones a los viajes de cubano-americanos  y su envío de asistencia económica a familiares y amigos. Además, aspiramos a que progresivamente se suspendan las demás prohibiciones. Resultará  muy positivo promover el fin de la confrontación existente entre los dos extremos del Estrecho de la Florida desde hace decenios, que ha sido muy útil a los sectores más conservadores dentro del gobierno cubano para justificar el desastre nacional y reprimir al pueblo.

La historia y la política de Estados Unidos hacia otras áreas del mundo han demostrado que el acercamiento entre los pueblos contribuye al progreso de las naciones e  impulsa  la democracia, mientras el aislamiento y el odio siempre han sido los grandes aliados del totalitarismo.  Por motivos geográficos, históricos y culturales los cubanos sentimos gran simpatía por los norteamericanos.  Eso no se ha utilizado apropiadamente en los últimos 50 años.

Confiamos que su elección como Presidente en noviembre próximo   inicie una época de realismo político hacia Cuba, mediante el incremento de los contactos en todas las esferas y con todos los representantes de la sociedad, incluidos gobernantes y gobernados.    Una política creativa que se corresponda con la grandeza de Estados Unidos daría excelentes resultados y, aunque en primera instancia somos los cubanos los responsables de los cambios en Cuba, sería una ayuda importante al tránsito hacia la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos en un marco de reconciliación.

Asimismo, Usted podría contribuir decisivamente a la liberación incondicional de los 55 prisioneros de conciencia de los 75 condenados durante la Primavera Negra de 2003, y a que los 9 con licencia extrapenal por motivos de salud que permanecemos en Cuba no seamos devueltos a las prisiones, así como a la excarcelación de los demás presos políticos pacíficos.

Estimado Sr. Obama reciba nuestra admiración y profundos deseos de que alcance éxitos en sus grandes y muy responsables propósitos. Aprovechamos para saludar a su esposa Sra. Michelle Obama.


 Oscar Espinosa Chepe    
Prisionero de Conciencia de los 75 (condenado a 20 años)
Con Licencia Extrapenal por serias enfermedades  
Economista y Periodista Independiente en activo                       

Miriam Leiva
Miembro Fundadora Damas de Blanco
Periodista Independiente


Damas de Blanco escriben a Obama2008-5-25

 Habana, 22 de Mayo de 2008                                                            

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sr. Barack Obama                                                                                     
Estados Unidos de América

Estimado Sr. Obama:

Las Damas de Blanco, voces de los 75 prisioneros de conciencia, condenados a penas de hasta 28 años de cárcel durante la represión conocida como Primavera Negra de 2003, tenemos grandes esperanzas de que Usted pueda contribuir a la liberación inmediata e incondicional de los 55 que están aún en horribles condiciones de prisión, con serios problemas de salud,  y que los 9 con licencia extrapenal por delicadas enfermedades no sean regresados a prisión.  Asimismo, aspiramos a que los más de 200 prisioneros políticos pacíficos cubanos sean excarcelados.

Como conoce, en Cuba desde el 31 de julio de 2006 existe una situación única en los últimos 50 años y consideramos que sí las autoridades se proponen cambios reales, deben comenzar por la liberación de nuestros familiares, que no han cometido ningún crimen.  Las aspiraciones de ellos son promover el desarrollo y el bienestar del pueblo cubano en un ambiente pacífico, democrático y con respeto a los derechos humanos.

No existe razón para que nuestros prisioneros se mantengan en cautiverio, cuando el Presidente Raúl Castro ha reconocido la existencia de serios problemas en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad; ha augurado cambios estructurales y de conceptos, aún sin precisar; y ha llamado a que las personas expresen sus opiniones y críticas.   La mayoría de ellos alertaron sobre esos y otros problemas de forma independiente.  Ellos no son mercenarios ni agentes de Estados Unidos como esgrimen los dirigentes de Cuba, a fin de  utilizar la confrontación entre nuestros dos países como pretexto para justificar los problemas existentes aquí, reprimir al pueblo, implantar el miedo y confundir a la opinión pública internacional. 

Sabemos que también su esposa, Sra. Michelle Obama, tiene una gran sensibilidad y podrá ayudarnos en la liberación de los prisioneros de conciencia y la protección de nuestras familias, especialmente los niños y ancianos, también condenados injustamente desde hace 5 años y dos meses.

Le deseamos grandes éxitos en sus esfuerzos para beneficio de los Estados Unidos y el hermano pueblo norteamericano, así como salud y ventura personal  al igual que a su familia.


Exiles cheer Obama at Cuban American National Foundation luncheon in Miami

Us_news_campaign_obama_3_mi   When Barack Obama on Friday addressed the annual Cuban American National Foundation Cuban Independence Day luncheon he probably expected his audience to consist largely of longtime Cuban exiles who fled after Fidel Castro’s revolution triumphed 49 years ago. (The photo shows Obama with Cuban American National Foundation chairman Jorge Mas Santos before the senator's speech).

   But among the estimated 900 guests at the cavernous soft-lit ballroom of the downtown Miami hotel where Obama spoke were about a dozen recently-released political prisoners or recently-arrived former Cuban dissidents.

  They are examples of the very people on the island who are now at the center of exile debate about possible change in Cuba and the ones who would be affected the most by any change of American policy toward the island.

   Among the newly-arrived Cubans who sat at the “dissidents’’ table was former political prisoner Hector Palacios who arrived in Miami only last month for a short stay.

   Palacios has said he plans to return to Cuba in a few weeks to rejoin the dissident movement that peacefully seeks democracy on the island. (Photo shows Palacios meeting with Obama after the speech in Miami Friday).Barack24_palacio01_lnew_rk

   Palacios, 64, was sentenced to 25 years in prison after being arrested during a government crackdown against dissidents in 2003. He was released from prison on Dec. 6, 2006 for medical reasons. He was allowed to travel to Madrid, Spain, and then Miami in October.

   In an interview with The Miami Herald seconds after Obama finished speaking at the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Miami, Palacios said he welcomed the Democratic Party presidential candidate’s remarks on Cuba.

   “He spoke about Cuba and that for me has been very important,’’ Palacios said, adding: “And what Obama intends to do about Cuba includes many things that I share. This is not the moment to fence in the people of Cuba. This is the moment to open the doors so Cubans and Americans can go there. We cannot subject the people of Cuba, after 50 years of war, to one more war and we cannot continue killing each other. Changes in Cuba are taking place and people have not realized this. Fidel Castro is no longer there but the people are and the people are stronger than ever.’’

   Many Cuban exiles are critical of Obama because they reject his prior statements that he would meet with Raul Castro.

   In his speech, Obama said he would not meet Castro “for tea’’ but to discuss substantive policy differences between the two countries.

   “There will be careful preparation,’’ Obama said. “We will set a clear agenda. And as president, I would be willing to lead that diplomacy at a time and place of my choosing, but only when we have an opportunity to advance the interests of the United States, and to advance the cause of freedom for the Cuban people.’’

   When he arrived and left, Obama received a standing ovation and was repeatedly interrupted by applause and cheers.

-- Alfonso Chardy