Case Colombia
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. On behalf of Ydalberto Ferrera, Juan León Ferrera and myself, Celia María Hart Santamaría, in light of the latest developments in Our America, where Imperialism, Zionism and Servility have joined forces to run over our brothers and sisters from Ecuador, we make an appeal to: 1. Condemned the premeditated murder of the Colombian guerrilla Raúl Reyes and his comrades-in-arms. 2. Stand by and praise Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Delgado’s dignified and committed attitude against the cowardly manipulated violation of Ecuador’s borders by stating his opposition to any hypocritical justification coming from Álvaro Uribe. 3. Denounce this attack on Our Great Homeland with the loathsome purpose of murdering one of the members of FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), a clear indication of Imperialism’s hope of planting a genocidal Israel in our Continent. 4. Support President Hugo Chávez’s principles, inspired by internationalism, Bolívar and Martí, which remind us that the Homeland extends beyond its borders and that Our America, as defined by José Martí, is humanity’s melting pot, in fortunate agreement with Leon Trotsky’s and Che Guevara’s teachings. The Cuban Revolution to which all three of us are tightly bonded; the pinnacle of proletarian internationalism under whose irreplaceable banners Apartheid’s forces were defeated in Mother Africa; my Revolution, which has held out without blinking only ninety miles away from Imperialism; our Revolution, the only remaining example of a socialist model on Earth, is entitled to speak out: In the name of Julio Antonio Mella, Sandino, José Carlos Mariátegui, León Trotsky -–whose life ended in Mexico, albeit not in vain–- and Che Guevara, Fidel Castro takes up the necessary standards to understand world revolution. Therefore, we make the following declaration: 1. Our Revolutionary Government (here in Cuba) should be put at the service of the Ecuadorian people to support the armies of the Republic of Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 2. Our Revolutionary Armed Forces, the most experienced in the Continent, led by Army General Raúl Castro, should be publicly mobilized to assist the insulted people of Ecuador, in permanent solidarity with the Armed Forces of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 3. Our support for the measures taken by our friendly governments should be reinforced by breaking off diplomatic ties with Colombia, a den of the most obsequious followers of imperialist capitalism, and dismissing the Colombian ambassador to Cuba. 4. Colombia must be prevented from becoming an imitator of the Zionist state of Israel even if we must shed our own blood to that end, and we should be the first to face the consequences… because we were the first to suffer their effects. 5. Cuba, with its Revolution and leadership, should get ready like no other nation in the Continent to face up to the consequences of Imperialism. An enviable 97% of our people supported the elections and cast their vote, thus stating their endorsement of the Revolution and socialism, and with neither masters nor impositions!, as remarked by our brave Chancellor in the United Nations Human Rights Council, because socialism without internationalism is nothing but an empty word. 6. We should be aware that we have in our blood the spirit of Che Guevara, who gave his life for the freedom of our Continent and stands as the most sacred symbol of convergence of all ideological currents as he represents the Communist effect around which we can gather. 7. We should call every follower of Trotsky, Guevara, Mariátegui, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Bolívar and all opponents of imperialism around the world, since we are now being convened by the maxim of proletarian internationalism, and we urge every one of their organizations to make statements on the matter and be willing to provide concrete support to our current leaders Rafael Correa and Hugo Chávez. 8. We must organize the Fighting Anti-Imperialist Front and overcome our ideological differences by turning to our internationalist and revolutionary convictions. 9. We are herein calling on all workers, peasants, students, unemployed people, intellectuals, revolutionaries... in sum, the very definition of “people, in terms of struggle” defined by Commander Fidel Castro in “History Will Absolve Me”.
Imperialism, Servility and Zionism, out of the sacred lands of Bolívar,
Sucre, San Martín, José Martí and Che!